Jamie rubbed his leg after being kicked. "Olivia doesn't want to know about that!" Katie scolded him.

"I just thought that it was funny." He defended holding his hands up before apologising to Olivia, she just shrugged in return to show that she didn't mind. "He only flirted with the sane ones. Some were genuinely crazy, like this one girl tried to climb on stage - though I guess it makes sense cause you'd have to be insane to find Alex hot." He said jokingly and Alex rolled his eyes but laughed with him.

Olivia covered her mouth with her hand as she laughed in shock, "God, I really don't know what these girls see in you." She teased Alex with a smirk. Obviously there was a lot to see in Alex. He was talented - something that was extremely attractive on it own - but he also was extremely good looking (somehow she thought he had looked even better since getting back).

"Very funny." He said sarcastically. He also didn't know what they saw in him. Clearly something that Olivia didn't. "Can we talk about something else. What have you been up to, Olivia?" He asked, changing the topic, not only wanting the conversation to be off him but because he had been eager to ask her all night. Wondering what she had been up to whilst he was away.

"I made a new friend, well actually I made two. So I officially have . . ." She quickly began to count on her finger whilst mumbling names to herself and Alex smiled at her adoringly, "9 friends in total! Nearly double digits." She informed them enthusiastically. They all laughed at her, especially at how proud she was.

"And who is this friend?" Jamie asked.

"She's called Arielle, I met her at an event a while back, and then her friend is called Sarah." Olivia told them all, "They're really nice, if you want I can invite them all to meet up with us later?"

They all agreed that there was no harm in some extra company. So Olivia asked Arielle if she wanted to join them all later and she quickly agreed. Katie also had invited one of her friends and so did Jamie. Eventually they began inviting anyone they could think of, turning the small meeting into a big 'welcome back' reunion.

They all decided that they liked this bar, the ending of summer casting the room in a orange hue as the sun set at 7, and none of them were in the mood to move - too caught up in talking and spending time with each other after so long apart. They stayed sat in the same booth. Not many people came in between them arriving and Arielle, Sarah (as well as other guests) arriving.

Olivia introduced Arielle and Sarah to everyone and they all gave both of them polite smiles and brief nods. "I'll get you both drinks just find a seat." She told them.

When she returned she could only find Sarah, she sat down next to her whilst handing her a drink and asking, "Where's Arielle?" Sarah thanked her for the drink and pointed to a corner.

Arielle was sat next to Alex both laughing about something. It was only them, sat in a booth alone, their legs touching as they talked.

Olivia wasn't bothered by the news that Alex had been flirting with other people, however, quite selfishly, she had decided that she liked when his attention was on her. It is one thing hearing about Alex flirting and it is another to actually see it. She tried her best to not act jealous(since she knew she had no reason to be) as she smiled and said to Sarah, "Seems like she may have forgotten about the drink."

"Yeah, I doubt that she'll be back for it." Sarah laughed.

Olivia shrugged and with a smirk said, "Just means more for me." She took, what was meant to be Arielle's, drink and drank the whole thing in one go - the liquor burning her throat as she shook her head in disgust.

Mad Sounds,     Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now