Day 15: Games

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When Five walked into the library, this was the last thing he expected to see.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Klaus jumped at the unexpected voice, craning his neck to look up at him. He flashed a grin and tried to wave, but his hand quickly went back down to stable himself as he began to wobble.

"Playing twister, duh," he said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. He was folded up like a pretzel on a wrinkled twister mat. The board with the spinner was pulled close enough to the mat so Klaus could do it himself.

"You know that's not exactly a solo game, right?" he asked, an amused smirk playing at his lips. Klaus rolled his eyes with a huff.

"You don't think I know that? Absolutely no one wanted to play with me!" he complained dramatically.

The cogs were turning in Five's head. Absolutely no one. Interesting.

"Funny. I don't recall you asking me if I wanted to play," Five quipped, taking a step closer. Klaus tossed his head back with a loud cackle.

"Are you serious? There's no way you would've said yes!"

He had a point, but Five couldn't let him know that. "That's besides the point. You didn't even ask to make sure," he said, bending down to untie his laces. He slipped his shoes off, walking over to the mat. He grabbed the spinner and thumped it, landing on "left foot red." Klaus watched in awe as he casually joined the game.

"Well color me impressed! Glad to see you finally loosen up," he said, a genuine smile on his lips. Five returned it with a fleeting smile of his own, flicking the spinner once more.

"Right hand green." Klaus obeyed the command, untwisting himself slightly. They went back and forth for a few rounds until they were both efficiently tangled in each other's limbs. Five was unexpectedly good at the game, his lithe frame stretching across the mat and weaving beneath Klaus's body. He also wasn't as tired as Klaus, having joined later. He wasn't about to let him win though. He wouldn't be able to handle the inflated ego.

"Right foot red!" he called out, chuckling as Five nearly did the splits. His foot was raised off the mat slightly, giving Klaus a devilish idea. He reached over, scratching along the bare sole.

He jerked his leg away, glaring over his shoulder. "Don't," he warned.

"Don't what?" he asked innocently, tickling along his arch. Five yelped, biting his lip to contain his giggles.

"Don't cheat," he growled through clenched teeth.

"One thing you should know about me: I don't play fair. At least not at Twister," Klaus said, relishing in the flash of panic that crossed his brother's features. Before he could launch a counter attack, he reached up to skitter his nails behind Five's knee.

His frame quivered from the effort to try and remain in his pose, but he ultimately lost the battle. He crumbled to the ground in a giggly heap, hugging his knees to his chest. That didn't stop Klaus, however. He balanced himself as he reached out to squeeze his hip. He flinched away once more, a giggle slipping out. With one look at Klaus, he knew he was doomed.

He gave up trying to win and opted instead to launch a full scale tickle attack on the "younger" boy.

"Klahahaus dohohon't! T-thihihis ihisn't fahahair!" he cried out through hysterical giggles.

"If I didn't cheat now, you'd just do this to me a minute from now!" he exclaimed, squeezing his knees. He wobbled for a few precarious seconds before crashing to the ground. Klaus switched targets, clawing over his tummy.

So what if that was true? It still didn't give him the right to turn on him like that! He could only thrash around on the ground, laughing his head off. And if he were entirely honest? He didn't mind all that much. Besides, he had revenge to look forward to.

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