《theories and curiosities》

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As I explained in the previous chapter, pretty much all the characters have an interesting story, so honestly, I don't think there is a need to list any more...

Now, I prefer to talk about the main topic, what we all (I think) have been waiting for: the theories.

Not only did I find out all over the place, but I also came up with ideas on various stages of Rusty Lake Roots.

I repeat, I apologize for my poorly written English, but being Italian, I use the translator :')

So, now I will list some events of the story, and I will write the various theories.
(I hope you have seen the video in the previous chapter, if not, go and see it).

~The theory of the genealogical seed~

When James arrives at the house inherited from his dead uncle, he was also carrying a seed ( given by his uncle).

From this seed will grow the Vanderboom family tree.

•But I wondered several times why his uncle had left him this seed, and I came to a conclusion: the uncle knew he would die drinking the elixir, so he left this special seed to his nephew to continue the generation.

•However, a doubt is added to this situation: Did he know that Aldous (his brother, the future Mr. Crow) would bring him back to life?

I think that he created a generation from his grandson, only to use it to come back to life in the future.

Or maybe it was all planned by Aldous from the start? This is a really good question, which I think is best taken up again in the future.

~Albert's trauma~

As you will know from the video, Albert as a child had a quarrel with his brothers, it did not end well, and in fact Albert was left with this wrong from an adult age.

I can't quite understand why this made Albert so angry that he remembers it with anger forever, I think his brothers have neglected him a little because of his birthmark on his face.

In short, he grew up with remorse for a long, long time, until the day of his revenge.

•Albert also plays an important role in the path towards Wiiliam's resurgence, in fact on several occasions it was he who created various sacrifices.

Due to this trauma as a child, Albert will grow up with a crazy character and mentality, which he will hide from his siblings for a long time.

For example, the birth of his daughter Rose: Albert was in love with Ida (the fortune teller) and after killing her with her husband, he exports her reproductive system.
We can imagine his mental situation.

~Emma's self-fertilization~

Emma immediately seems apassionate about flowers and plants, so much that she is able to create new ones by herself, simply by mixing pollen.

After combining the various flowers she creates, a new flower is formed, a kind of dandelion.

The seeds of this flower, with the wind, detach from it, and end up entering Emma, ​​in her womb.

(it's a bit strange I know...)

This story reminded me a lot of the story of Mary and the future birth of Jesus, since there was no sexual relationship with anyone.

Now that I think about it, the story has something religious about it.

Another fact is Albert, impersonating the devil (he even has voodoo powers), while Emma could represent precisely Mary, or at least divine purity.

~The parrot Harvey~

The dear Harvey Parrot.

It has a VERY interesting history. It is seen in practically every Rusty Lake/Qube Escape at least once.

In one situation he even has a human body (with the head still like a parrot), and this is not only a characteristic of him, but also of mr. Owl and mr. Crow.

I have thought several times that it was a human who drank the elixir of life, or at least a special immortal bird...

But I still don't know how to give me a fixed answer...

We can also see it when Emma sends a message for her missing son, Harvey was in the balcony railing of the room.

~Rebirth occurs with sacrifice~

After all the sacrifices have been made, it is time for rebirth, as Aldous (Mr. Crow) promised.

The 3 brothers are also used for the sacrifice, but unlike Rose, Leonard and Frank will not survive.

I believe that this happens because she is a woman, and as such she will be able to give birth to the fruit of the sacrifice.

Apparently, however, William will not be born, but a blonde female.

I think she is like a clone (more or less), she is the union of sacrifices, and as such she can never have a normal life, on the contrary she will be the center of everything, many Qube escapes (if not all) are connected to her.

She is Laura.

*she was born blonde because she is the reincarnation of William, and William was blond. Poor girl...*

These were my theories about Rusty Lake Roots characters.

I think it can be enough, I wrote a lot, in any case, if any of you were interested in theories also on the place where the story takes place, you can ask me in the comments.

Now I would prefer to move to Rusty Lake Paradise (it will take at least a couple of weeks ...), I hope I made you a little curious, see you next time,


P.S. sorry if it took me a long time to publish... •-•'

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