"HE'S A TRAITOR LILY!" Sirius yelled

They began to argue. Dumbledore looked at McGonagall and nodded. She walked out of her office

Dumbledore started talking again "if the ministry finds out about the Timeturner it could put me in Azkaban but the worst thing is that they will ask all of us about the event happen in the future and it could ruin it!"

There was a silence. Dumbledore was right. Even if Sirius and James wanted revenge they also wanted Harry to live. They can't change the future.

Dumbledore continues "therefore, it will be best to wipe your memory"

Their jaw dropped

"Wipe our memory? Are you insane!" Marlene shouted

"If you have your memories, they will only lead to worst. Ofc the sweet movements with your children's will be forever with you but the bad could take over. It will somehow lead to the change"

Another long silence.

They knew he was right and that was the right thing to do but they can't forget their children and the movement they spent there. The people, the muggle world, everything.

"Do it"

Everyone looked at Lily like she was mad

"Do it" she repeated "not for me nor do I care but for Harry"


"Do you think you could control yourself when you guys will see Peter? What about you-know-who? A part of it will live inside you forever and hunt us down and someday we will do something or act in other way we aren't supposed to"

another long silence.

"Do it"


Dumbledore pointed his wand at them as they stood in one line. James's blood was boiling but he will do this for Harry. For his son to be save and live.

"on the count of three" McGonagall started as Dumbledore's wand was pointing at their faces

They closed their eyes and the memory started wiping away

"we didn't introduce ourselves I'm Lily" Lily busted out
"I'm Lena" Marlene introduce herself,
"Jamie," James told her his nickname that Marlene gave him
"I'm Gray," Sirius said as he thought it was best.
"And I'm.....Peter?" Remus kinda question himself
"Vanya, Vanya Greene Mckinnon" Vanya smiled, but the Marauders looked at Marlene. She was her daughter
"And who are you?" James asked Harry, Harry and Vanya looked at each other
"You don't know me?" Harry asked they all shook their head
"Are we supposed to?" Sirius asked, Vanya, let out a laugh

"We don't want to shock you but we...we are not from 1996" Lily started, which made them even more confused
"What you mean you're not from 1996?" Harry asked

"AHHHHHHHHH" they shouted at the same time then started laughing hard. They were having a really good time.

"Seriously Harry you can't even kiss a girl you fancy" Marlene looked at James "how is he your son?"
"I'm asking myself the same question" James crossed his arms

"I'm not interested in anyone at the moment" it was a half-lie and Vanya knew it
"Are you sure you're not interested?" Itan eyed the blonde girl who rolled her eyes
"I don't understand why not?" Asked Hermione
"Well...I'm waiting for the chosen one" Vanya busted out. When Vanya realized what she said she went red "are you?" Marlene smirk
"Right one," Vanya said quickly "I mean 'waiting for the right one'" She nodded and looked at Harry

"ARE YOU ALL SERIOUS!?" Vanya shouted "No, only I am" Sirius said as he raised his hand "For God's sake Sirius!" Said Vanya "You all are spying on us? It's so creepy don't you think?" She asked sarcastically
James totally ignored what she said "You guys are together!" He dramatically gasped and hugged Harry and Sirius hugged Vanya
"You made me so proud today" James faked his tears "Ah! My daughter-in-law" he said looked at Vanya and pulled her into a hug

Their memories were flying away..

"SIRIUS! Hey ma'am, have you seen a guy- about this tall, clearly gay but we haven't had the talk-" James asked

"You might be old and we don't know you well, but you're our Moony"
"Two Moony? Am I in heaven?"

"So you knew my mom?" Vanya stared "wait- you two kissed? were you guys a thing?"
Sirius smirked "more like snogging each other in the hallway-"
"Sirius!" Rachel Greene warned "don't tell her that!"
"Oh and your mothers lips"

More then half of their memories were gone..

"you could be under arrest for driving a motorcycle with five people on it!"
"God damnit!" Remus said irritated
"I told you it was illegal!"
"Oh - we- we have to call someone, your dad Vanya! Call your dad" Harry said in a panic voice
James and Remus looked at each other. Sirius started arguing with the officer.
James gasped!
When Vanya and Remus looked at him and around, they gasped louder
"Wait.." Remus whispered and gasped again.
"What is it Moony?" Sirius asked as he stoped arguing and looked at Remus
"Did- did you say five people?" Vanya hesitantly asked the officer
"Yes five people" the officer replied
There jaw dropped
"OH GODRIC!" James panicked
"Holy fuck!" Sirius muttered
Harry looked around "wait.. where-..?"

Lily put both her hand on Harry's cheeks "be strong Harry. Mama loves you" she whispered "Please don't go. Please don't -don't leave me alone. Again. Please - ple- please!" Harry cried. He was in Lily's arm "please!"

"I LOVE YOU MUM!" Lily and Marlene heard their kids voice.

And just like that it was done. Dumbledore lowed his wand and the Marauders looked around confused as they never were before. They felt like something inside them was taken away.

Something important.


Our story is number 1 on #future ❤️‍🩹✨
Thank you all so much

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