2. Was it you?

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It was the vacation time. The end period of the year. But we had to go to school cause we were parade team. We needed to prepare for a event. Fiona was busy with her boyfriend and me and Nylee were going to cantine to buy something to drink. AGAIN  I bumped with him. I looked at him and I got paused I was thinking something looking at him and to my surprise I don’t remember what was I thinking at all. He broke the silence and greeted us. We responded. He was carrying some bottles of water.He said he was grabbing those water bottles for us. But I didn’t see him in the field . Anyways. He handed me a bottle but didn’t give one to Nylee. We exchanged look then she grabbed one herself. Such a rude, mannerless guy. He was senior and now he was the commender of our team. He looked so good under the sunlight. He was good looking. I didn’t notice that before. I was staring at him when he looked at me. I immediately looked away but my sharp gaze could tell he was still looking at me and smiling.

I thought about him. Often. More than I should have. I  didn’t meet him since the event was over. But all those time I thought about I got kinda feelings for him.

Oneday I was having my lunch alone cause Nylee was sick and Fiona was busy with her boyfriend. I was returning to my class........... I saw him! He was looking at me and smiling.
As far as I've heard, he was a cold Intelligent rude jerk. And he never smiles. I just saw him smiling at ME.  GOD I was going crazy. I didn’t see him for months. It's April. I still don't know his name.

Oneday I was passing Through the corridor a guy saw me and called someone's name, "Ryle". That "Ryle" came and he looked at me.......... It was him.

His name is Ryle.

November 5th 2022
I sat at my desk finishing lunch. Nylee came running calling my name out loud. She was huffing and told me Ryle was leaving.
I didn’t know how should I respond. Yeah, he left so what? I shouldn’t be effected. But I felt strange. And that strange feeling probably wasn’t on the positive side of feelings.   I felt bad, I felt sad    I just stood there like a statue. Nylee shook me and told that his friend wanted to see me. I went to him

Ryle's friend gave me a letter saying it's from him.   I opened the letter.
"Hey Nyza,
You're probably thinking why am I even sending you this. Well.....
You're someone special. Maybe you dont even know but I like you. Since the first time I saw you.
On 22nd September, afternoon, at the park in front of your favourite coffee shop.........
I gave you a leaflet, I looked at you and I couldn’t take my eyes off of you but you didn’t even look at me. That's fine though.
Later, I saw you looking at me on that rainy day. I was happy that you looked at me.
I felt so guilty when the ball hit you that day even though I wasn’t the one who shot that stupid ball. I was happy when you accepted my chocolate milk. I was happy when you took that water bottle from me. I was so beyond happy when I saw you staring at me.
Your name.........is so beautiful.
Not more than you. Take care of your eyes I love them so much.
To be honest, I don't wanna leave from here. But I have to. I couldn’t tell you all these face to face cause I was afraid that you'd be uncomfortable.

If someday fate allows us, let's stay together for a time  then
Nyza..........don't forget me. Remember me as someone. It's okay if you don't like me back. But remember me.
Bye,,,,.        "

Without my knowing tears fell.  I didnt know why.

Present day~
Even now after more than 8 years I remember him. Still when a guy ask me out I reject without thinking twice and unknowingly a thought of him pops in my mind. I still remember him I'll always do................

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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