⛸heart of ice⛸

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Credit to: Hxnnah. Pls see her channel on youtube for more beautiful stories ❤️

Ever since I was 4, my dream was to become the #1 figure skater
My mind knew I had no tallend in ice skating, but my heard loved being on ice
And I chose my heart
Years of practise was put in
I decided to put all feelings aside and focus on only ice skating
At the age on 19 i was able to become #2 top figure skater in the world
The only criticism I received was my cold attitude, which prevented me from conveying emotion in my dance
I was named ice queen for my emotionless face
That was before she came..

Coach: Ivy!
Ivy: jes?
Coach: meet your new partner, her name is Madelyn
Ivy: i am a soloist
Coach: now you have a partner. Madelyn is only a year younger than you and she's incredible. Plus she only started ice skating 2 years ago, she's an amazing talent
Ivy: i'm Ivy
Madelyn: Madelyn! Wow you're so pretty! How did you dye your hair so white?
Ivy: i'm albino
Madelyn: Woah! Thats so cool, i'm so excited to work with you
Ivy: ... Yes
Coach: Ahaha please ignore her cold attitude That's just how she is
Madelyn: it's fine, everyone is different
Coach: you're so nice, maybe you will rub off on Ivy

As I observed her more she amazed me
Not only did she win everyone's heart with her kindness but she was also born to ice skate
I knew in the future she would be one of the top figure skating
Envy shook my heart
She was skating for 2 years while I've been skating for 15 years
I was inspired to work harder but then..

Madelyn: Ivy! How have you been?
Ivy: okay
*Madelyn spill's coffee over her shirt*
Madelyn: Oh my god! I'm so clumsy! Could u hold my drink for a second?
Ivy: sure..
*coach walks in*
Coach: Madelyn! What happened here?
Ivy: she spilled-
Madelyn: it was an accident, Ivy just accidentally spilled it on me. I'm fine
Coach: Ivy?
She isn't the type of making accidents She's always so uptight and refined
Madelyn: I hope it was an accident
Coach: what are you implying Maledyn? Ivy, did you purposely pour it on her?
Ivy: no
Coach: ...
Make sure it doesn't happen again

That was one of the many accidents awaiting me
Every incident made me look like a villian
People started to whisper that I was bullying Maledyn
I was not so social as Maledyn so of course they took her side

*Maledyn falls*
Ivy: are you okay?-
Madelyn: Ivy, please stop pushing me!
Ivy: What?
Madelyn: I just wanted to be friends, Why are you so mean to me?!
???: Ivy stop bullying Madelyn She's done nothing wrong to you! Your just jealous she will take your spot soon
Ivy: No, Madelyn tripped by herself
???: You're such a liar! Why would she trip by herself and blame you! You're the one in blame
Coach: please girls, Ivy say sorry
Ivy: I won't apologize to something I didn't do
Coach: Ivy, leave Training for you is over for today
Ivy: Coach-
Coach: Ivy, you have been bullying Madelyn for some time, Please leave
Ivy: it's so close to the competition, I need to train
... Fine
*next day in the morning*
Ivy💭: since i missed out on training yesterday, I should train early today
Is that Madelyn?  ...
What is she doing at the shoe section?
Ivy: Madelyn?
Madelyn: Ivy! W-what are you doing here so early?
Ivy: training
Madelyn: oh good for you! I was looking for my shoes, Now that I've found them I'll go
Ivy💭: She's up to no good

*Ivy puts on skates and start's to skate on the ice, she falls*

Coach: will she be okay for the competitions?
Doctor: She broke her ankel, It will take around 6-8 weeks to heal
Ivy: No way! I have to compete, If I don't my rank will go down! I've worked so hard to be #2
Doctor: I'm sorry miss

*later when the doctor left*

Ivy: Coach tell me i can still complete
Coach: ... Not this year Ivy
Ivy: Madelyn! She was at the shoe section, She replaced my blades for dull ones!
Coach: Don't go falsely accusing someone Ivy. Madelyn is a nice girl, she would never do that
Ivy: trust me coach, I saw her She definitely did this
Coach: Ivy-
Ivy: She's been ruining my career since she came!
Coach: IVY! You are out.
Ivy: what?
Coach: not only are you not listening to your coach, Your extremely rude to Maledyn. I will not coach a bad person, I've heard the things you've done to her. She doesn't deserve it!
You are out!
Ivy: you can't be serious coach, Skating is all i have. I've been with you for 15 years! Don't tell me you believe Madelyn
Coach: You are a cold person Ivy, I've never seen you smile once. I would expect it from you..

After that incident my rank plummeted
My reputation was getting worse because of Maledyn
My boyfriend broke up with me aswel
No coach wanted me anymore
Sooner or later my dream broke apart

*3 years later*

Ivy: my room is so messy..

*Ivy sees her old ice skates*

Ivy: my old ice skates....

News Lady: on todays news, Madelyn has ranked #2 in figure skating.
This 21 year old has only been skating for 5 years and has reached such success
Het new partner is-

💭ivy: i cant listen to this anymore
It's freezing
Should i try out my old ice skates?
Ever since that incident happened, I haven't skated in 3 years
I't wouldn't hurt tp try the again

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Dec 04, 2022 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

The book..[~.° i'm still writing chapter 1 °.~]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें