Chris and I just looked at each other, and I could feel a lump in my throat. And Chris grabbed my hand.

"Yeah I can hang around if you need me to." Chris said

"Ok so let me get you caught up Chris, when lis came in she was feeling run down so i did the normal Covid test since she told me she would be traveling to see you and that came out negative. Then I had some blood drawn and well i found something." Kelly said

"It's cancer isn't Kelly." I said Chris was putting his arm around me for comfort.

"No honey it's not cancer. Now I want you to know I ran test on your blood 10 times and I got the same result." Kelly said

"Kelly, whatever, I think we can handle it." Chris said

"Alright Lisa your pregnant." She said

"That's funny, I could have sworn I just heard you say I'm pregnant."

"Lisa, I did say your pregnant." Kelly said

"Kelly, that's impossible, because I can't get pregnant, it's in my medical records, it's there in black and white or whatever color pen was used." I said my voice was breaking.

"I understand that Lisa but you are pregnant, now when are you coming back to Boston. I wanna get you examined as soon as possible." she said

I couldn't even speak. I was just sitting there trying to comprehend what Kelly said.

"Lisa, did you hear me?" Kelly said

"Honey." Chris said, pulling me out of my daze.


"I asked when you would be back in Boston." she asked.

"Umm i guess i can cut my time here short. I'll have to get a flight out of here."

"Don't worry about all that honey, I'll take care of it." Chris said

"Ok, Lisa, why don't you call me when you get to Boston ok." Kelly said

All I could do was shake my head.

A few hours later Chris took me to the private airfield.

"Ok i talk to Kelly your appointment is Friday morning and I'll be in Boston Thursday afternoon. Scott is gonna met you at the airfield and take you back to the house." he said

When I looked at Chris I had tears in my eyes.

"Don't cry baby, everything is gonna be fine. I promise." he said

"You can't promise that you don't know. What if it's a false positive, or worse it's something else."

"Hey look at me. Look at me. Yes I can't promise things will be ok and you right i don't know but the one thing i do know is this, whatever this is we'll get through it together." He said giving me a kiss.

When Chris said that to me I felt calm and I took a deep breath.

"I love you. Call me when you get to Boston ok." he said

"I love you too."

"I'll see you Thursday, try not to worry, ok."

All I could do was shake my head.

I got on the plane, all I could think about was what if this was something else, I kept playing the worst case scenario over in my head that it's a false positive and life is tossing me another roadblock.

But I remembered what Chris said no matter what this was, we would do this together.

A few hours later I landed in Boston, I gathered my bag and walked off the plane to see Scott waiting there for me.

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