Heart of Ice

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Thought of this fic when I heard this song and I thought it would be to good to pass up. I added some slight changes but it's mostly the same. No idea if I'll actually post this, but you are reading this then I must have. Another one late at night one so it will probably not be great. Also give Ben some love he's messed up in this fic. Enjoy! (hopefully)

(PS. This is written as if it was spy school but in the summer so they know where each other live)

(PSS.  Also Mike is the only one who knows about  Ben's crush on Erica)

You know how some people learn guitar or drums or piano. Well so do I.

Except in my case I can play almost any instrument.

That includes Trumpet, violin, guitar, drums, tuba, piano, etc. But my personal favorite would probably be Ukulele. I can sing a bit too but that's irrelevant. Add that to my impressive math skills and I'm pretty much the coolest guy in school... not.

That spot is taken by my best friend Mike. The coolest girl is Erica Hale who is also one of my best friends (and crush).

Wondering why I was thinking about this? Well, so am I.

Earlier that morning

"Ahhh" I woke up with a groan, why does my back always have to be so painful when I wake up. I mean carrying around a 30 pound tuba with me all day probably doesn't help but still.

I looked at my alarm clock and shot out of bed. I slept in, oh no. I bet Mike I would beat him to school, but now I only have a few minutes left to get to school on time.

I scrambled to get dressed and brush my teeth. Good, I should be there before the bell rings.

I'm halfway through the door when I hear my mom start yelling for me.


"Yeah Mom?" I asked back

"Come say goodbye to me and your father"

"But Mom I'm gonna be late"


"Fine" I rushed to the kitchen where both of my parents were busy making breakfast. I gave them my farewells and started run to school as fast as possible.

I barely got to school with a minute to spare but I was greeted by Mike's smug grin.

" Ughh fine, you won the bet so what's my punishment?"

"My house, after school. And Ben. Bring your ukulele"

"Wait... Why?"

"You'll see"

And with that he was whisked away by a group of kids going to class.

Just like always the rest of the day flew past and I actually almost forgot about me and Mike' bet.

I enjoyed the quiet walk while I was going home. Nothing like fresh air to clear your mind. I mean I was worried about Mike knowing about the song I've been working on but now he wants me to bring the instrument that I made the song with to his house. Seems pretty suspicious of him.

When I actually got to my house I grabbed a snack and my ukulele and told my parents where I was going since they both work from home.

I opted out on walking so instead I rode my bike there to save time, but it seemed like the rest of the gang was there too, so that was a surprise.

I walked into his house and was greeted by my friends sitting in a circle. I groaned. I knew where this was going after one too many surprises.

I heard a couple of my friends ask me why I brought my ukulele but I just shrugged and told them that I lost a bet.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2022 ⏰

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