I'm not mad... Just disappointed

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Well... I am making this entire chapter up on the spot with no ideas. Don't judge this me for the horrible chapter. My only decent thought is that Catherine, being the queen of Berica, is disappointed that nobody told her that it was official.

She couldn't believe it... her own daughter. Why did no one tell her that Berica has happened. How did they hide this from her even though she's constantly spying on their one-on-one time.

"Alright one last time. How did this happen?" Catherine asked the young couple.

"Alright mom but this is the last time." Erica sighed. "It all started when Ben first came to school, you remember the conversation we had, right?" Erica started.

"Yes yes dear, now continue please,"So she thought I was a terrible spy, and for good reason to," Ben continued. "But when I got pinned by her at my SACSA exams, I knew I liked her. And from then on, each mission only expanded those feelings. So after we finished that mission we had some personal time and got closer to one another. And for a while it was just the slightest physical touch and occasional hand-holding." Ben finished.

"Okay I know all of that but when did you really start getting serious" Catherine pushed. "Well fast forwards to that ski trip we took, and well you remember Jessica, right? Well anyways Ben had a big crush on her and I thought it was getting in the way of the mission. So, I confronted him about it and told him to stop seeing her as more than just a part of the mission. After that I felt really guilty but my pride kept stopping me from apologizing." Erica was cut off by Ben.

"Honey, I told you this before, it was alright that i you reacted the way that you did. You were jealous, and I can't say that I wasn't jealous of Mike when you flirted with him."

Erica sighed once again, "I know but I'm still really sorry about that. But moving forward I had 'girl talk' with Zoe and that's when I realized I was just jealous of Jessica. And maybe I learned that embracing these feelings I had for Ben was better than wasting energy on trying to deny they were there."

"But that plus the fact that we had nearly died multiple times that day made my brain just a fraction of a second slower to react. And maybe the idea of the last thing I ever do was kiss Ben was to good to pass up." Erica said with a reminiscent smile.

"We had our first kiss up there and I honestly have no regrets looking back. It's still one of my favorite memories because it gave me hope that there was a chance, however slim it was, that there could be an us someday." Ben took over the story.

So many questions were running through Catherine's mind at this moment. Things like 'you're first kiss was when you thought you were gonna die' 'how and why has no one told me this before now' and most importantly ' is this when they started dating?' It took her a second to realize she was asking these questions out loud so she stopped so that the kids could continue the story.

"So anyways skip ahead a bit longer and we have another one of my favorite memories, but it was me and Erica, and we were talking in my dorm room. When she came in I had fallen asleep on my desk. I thought she was there to talk about our mission at first but it turns out that she was there for a completely different reason. She was there to hug me. I genuinely thought that she was going to attack me for a few seconds." Ben went on

"Oh yeah, I remember this story. Your face was just so adorable that I just had to hug you. You seemed so surprised too. But yeah I mean I owed it to you after making you wait, what was it, 400 some days. I really wanted to kiss you at that time to but stupid Chip interrupted us, luckily I got revenge on him though. But yeah I really liked talking to you with no one overhearing our conversation." Erica interrupted.

"Speaking of hearing" Ben said "what did you mean when you said 'I know what will make you feel better' on that same mission" "umm... I just gave you some painkillers... obviously." When Catherine and Ben gave her looks of disbelief she said " alright fine you got me. I gave you a kiss and laid by you until the paramedics arrived. But I still did give you painkillers."

"Alright I'm running out of time so just give me the story of how you got together." Catherine rushed.

"Alright so it was on operation deadly manatee, when Ben went missing for those days. I was so worried that I vowed that if we found him I would finally agree to go out with him. And sure enough he found us, so when I saw him again I knew I was gonna stay true to my word. But not mid-mission or he would be too distracted to be of any use on the mission." Erica rambled

"Best day of my life. Once we were finished with the mission she called me out to the balcony of our suite, and at first I thought she was going to be mad at me for exposing you're family secret to Trixie but she actually was fine with it. She hoped that we would never use cheesy nicknames like Mike and Trixie and I got my hopes up. And they were right to be up because then she kissed me, and not short like the others, this one was the real deal. Fireworks were going off both in my head and in real life at the same time. So when she said 'I think I'm ready,' well if the fireworks weren't going off then the whole ship would have heard me scream yes." Ben finished.

"So there you go. The whole partial story. Well are you finally satisfied? Or do you need to hear the story for the 5th time." Erica questioned.

"No I'm satisfied just one last question. Why did you not tell me?" "We weren't ready yet mom, still not sure I am even after I finished telling you."

"So your not mad" squeaked Ben. "No not mad. Just disappointed."

Finally it's finished. This took me a while to write because once again it is hard to write with no plan at 1:30 at night. Be safe out there everyone and once again sorry for the horrible chapter.

See ya
(P.s. 1145 words in this fic including this. New best)

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