Here's the public Playlist to this book, there will be queues for specific songs to match the mood and, how I see the story play in my head. I recommend it with headphones to enjoy the full effect. ;)
Link to Playlist:

      *Play Video above Before Reading*

*Play "Better Off Dead" By Sleeping sirens*
    The annoying sound of my alarm clock going off disrupted my sleep. I groaned. Reaching an arm out, from layers of blankets & pillows, to slap the snooze button. Before I could hit the button, my roommate yelled,

    "Oi! Get your ass up, before I come drag you out of bed." He wasn't a fan of being woken up early in the morning. I groaned and turned the alarm off, shouting back as I sat up in bed, scratching my scalp.

    "Alright, alright I'm up! Geez, it's only 6 am, grumpy pants." I pouted my lips and mumbled the last sentence. However, the man has dog ears for a human. He spoke back, shocking me into silence,

    "Did you call me grumpy pants?" His tone was deep, he opened my door and threw one of his pillows at me. As it hit me, I smacked my back onto the mattress(again). He had the ability of super strength. So, of course, one toss would push me onto my back. I laid on my back and laughed, as did he. He left my door slightly open; As he retreated to his room to go back to sleep. I crawled out under my blankets, and zombie walked to my bathroom. We had a two-bed/two-bath apartment. When we first agreed on a place, he refused to share a bathroom. It's pricier than a two-bed/one-bath apartment, but we seem to make it work with the budget.

*Play "Dreams" By Fleetwood Mac*
    After finishing my morning routine, I walked to the kitchen to make coffee. I always make it the same, turn on the kettle and let it whistle. Next, scoop coffee grounds into the French press, then pour hot water into the French press. Let steep for 5 minutes. While waiting 5 minutes, open a can of sweetened condensed milk and pour some into your coffee mug. After 5 minutes, pop the lid onto the French press and press the coffee grounds down. Lastly, pour into your coffee mug, and mix the two. Enjoy that delicious morning wake-up call. I leaned my butt against the counter edge as I enjoyed my coffee. I grabbed my phone, which I slipped into my pocket, on the way to the kitchen from my room. I sent a text to my roommate. [Coffee is ready, hot, and fresh.] I snapped a picture of his signature coffee mug next to the French press. He shouted from his room,

    "Thank you, you're the best." I smiled as I kept enjoying my coffee, I closed the messaging app on my phone, and opened the news app to read the daily news. I noticed an article relating to Hawks, one of many top pro heroes in Japan. I rolled my eyes and closed the news tab. Oh great, more information about someone I don't care about. At that point I was done looking at the news app, and closed it.
Thanks for Reading, see ya in the next chapter :)
Word count: 553

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