
887 14 5

TW: mentions of cutting/sh

Luigi's pov:

Before I walked in the house my phone went off 

???: hey little green it's bowser

I blush and start laughing at the nickname he gave me loving it a lot.

Luigi: hello ya goof

Bowser: did you make it home alright

Luigi: yeah, I haven't walked in yet and the lights are off, so Mario isn't home

Bowser: that's really good well we both should get some rest

Luigi:  I will :)

I put my phone away and walk into the living room seeing Mario knocked out on the couch. "Great he went out drinking again jeez Mario why are you like this" I put a cup of water next to him and head to bed hoping tomorrow will be better.

"LYDIA WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU" Mario's yelling was getting annoying at this point, I check the time to see it's only 9am not wanting to piss him off more I get dressed quickly and head downstairs." Where the fuck were you last night you could have been kidnapped or killed" he wasn't wrong, I can't say anything unless I want him to get angrier. "I-im sorry, I should have called are right" Mario started to walk away " damn right I am." After he left, I broke down and grabbed a knife from the kitchen sobbing i held the knife to my arm. "do it do it do it do it" the voices are back pressuring me into giving in. I drop the knife and hold my arms" go away please I said I would stop I am clean" I decide to call the first person i can think of. 




"Little green is that you?" Hearing Bowsers voice calms me down almost instantly." Y-yeah sorry if im bothering you I just need someone to talk to" I hear fall and tell me to hold on so he can come over." BOwser you don't have to do that" he hung up, not even 5 minutes I hear a knock. "Little green it's me" why he's so big and so dumb but....... he only has eyes for peach.

Bowser's pov:

"Luigi i'm worried do you want to talk about it" I see him shake slightly and hesitate to speak scared to see him cry I lean over and hug him tight" I'm here for you tell me if you want" Luigi pushes his head into my chest making me blush a little, "Bowser why did you save me that night I though you hated me and Mario, you could have let me die" I prepared for this moment deep breathes Bowser." Luigi the truth is I never liked Peach, she asked me to take her certain days, so she didn't have to be near your brother. Something about him feels off and now I feel it too."  Luigi looks scared and when I turn around who I see in the doorway makes my blood boil.


A loving embraceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora