"Mr. Rogers, you seem to be having a panic attack, shall I contact Mr. Stark?" Friday's voice seemed louder than normal, my ears were ringing.

"G—get ev. . everyone. Pl—please." I slid down the wall, trying to focus on my breathing.

"Right away."

Oh god, what if she doesn't make it? She has too. She can fix everything. We can all be whole again. It felt like ages before everyone was rushing down to MedBay. Tony was panting heavily with everyone behind him, his glasses were sitting on top of his messy hair, and I could've sworn lipstick was smudged across his neck.

"Capsicle, what the hell is going on?" Tony asked, helping me up to my feet.

I've regained some of my breath now, but my hands were still shaky as well as my legs, "She's. . She's in there."

"Who is?" Scott asked, mouth full of food.

I took a deep breath in before closing my eyes again, "Y—"

"Is that blood?! Steve, what happened?" Sharon, Bucky's new girlfriend, interrupted me.

I gritted my teeth, hearing her voice interrupt me, "It's Y/n's blood. She's bleeding badly, Bruce is patching her up. He needs your help, Tony."

Everyone stared at me in shock, and if it wasn't such an emergency for Y/n I would've let them stand there.

"Now, Tony!" I shouted, making him jump and trip over himself into the room.

"Steve. . ."

"Bucky. . ."

                        (End of pov)


"Tony, keep this closed while I grab the needle," Bruce ordered, rushing around the small room.

Tony held your wound closed tightly while Bruce fetched the needle and thread. He couldn't believe he was looking at you after three years. His sister. . . in front of him, alive. Tears blurred his vision as he held your hand with his other, tightly squeezing it. Bruce came back with the equipment and started to quickly stitch you up. If he didn't stop the bleeding soon, you'd be dead for sure.

"I need the alcohol, Tony." Bruce stretched out his hand, still focusing on holding your wound closed, "She's definitely going to feel this. We couldn't find any anesthesia strong enough to put her to sleep of good, so she's only passed out from the pain."

"Wait, isn't there s-something else?" Tony sniffled, desperately keeping your hand in his, "I don't know what she's been through all these years. What if she can't take it? Or it worsens her state?"

Bruce sighed, clutching the bottle in his hand, "I guess we'll have to find out."

Finishing the job, he poured some alcohol on your stitches, awakening you with a painful scream. You shot up out of the bed and fumbled to your knees, far away from the two blurry people in front of you. The back of your throat burned with bile, making you gag and swallow it quickly. You fell back against the wall, hearing a door swing open and rushed footsteps beside you. You tried to stand up or even crawl away but you couldn't. You felt pathetic. Only being able to blink, to army crawl to a corner.

"Bruce? What the fuck is going on?"

That's loud. . .where am I?

"I fixed her up, that's what's going on. Look, I'm just as worried as you are. We didn't think she'd make it this far, it's a miracle she's even barely conscious."

Please stop yelling.

"She's alive. . ."

"Y/n? It's me, it's Steve." Steve, whispered nearing your trembling body.

"S—Steve?" You coughed, "Steve. . Help me. Please. I don't want to die. Please, I just got here. I don't wanna go."

"It's okay, you're okay." He sounded like he was crying, "It's just your stitches, you need to be careful. Here, let me help you, please."

You nodded, feeling ultimately weak as he picked you up. Holding you close to him. He tried sitting you back down on the stretcher but you held tightly onto his shirt, refusing to let him go.

"No one here is going to hurt you, I promise." He gently rubbed ur back, soothing circles that were starting to put you to sleep, "I've got you. I'm sorry I didn't get to you sooner, I should've protected you. I will now. I'll never let you go again, just sleep. I'll be here for you."

While he continued rambling endless words of reassurance in your ear, you started to hear people pile out of the room. Some of them whispering and cried, while one of them stayed behind. He was tall, and had a silver arm, while his face blurred out from your half-lidded eyes.


James Buchanan Barnes Imagine book 2 Where stories live. Discover now