CH 19

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Sasuke had just gotten back yesterday from his escort mission to the Land of the Waves. He had told me about it, and I knew he was meeting his team this morning, so I got ready too.

I brushed my hair and put on my signature black lipstick, then combed my bangs out of my eyes. I zipped up my white boots, locked our apartment door and walked out.

My team didn't have any missions today, so I was just walking around. Until I saw Naruto, Sakura, konohamaru, moegi, udone and an unknown make and female ninja in the alleyway.

Konohamaru was being held by the unknown boy by his throat. I decided to stand back and observe.

I saw the headband around the girls neck and recognized them as sand ninja.

"So. Does this hurt punk?" The male said as he tightened his grip on Konohamaru.

"Put him down Kankuro. Or you know you'll pay for it later." The girl said, looking around.

"Hey. I'm sorry. The whole thing was my fault." Sakura said. It was then, I sensed my cousin, Sasuke in the tree.

"You better take your hands off him right now!" Naruto yelled.

"We got a few minutes before he gets here. Let's mess with these punks huh?" The boy named, Kankuro said.

I put my hands on my hips.

"Let go of me you jerk!" Konohamaru kicked at him.

"Your feisty. But not for long." Kankuro said. It was that moment, I thought about intervening.

"Put him down!" Naruto yelled and charged, but tripped. 'A puppet user?' I thought.

"What the? What was that?" Naruto questioned.

"Your a leaf genin too? Looks like your whole village is full of wimps!"

"Ah. Konohamaru!" Naruto yelled.

"Konohamaru!" Both Moegi and Udone yelled.

"Hey! Cut it out! It hurts!" Konohamaru cried.

"That's it! Drop him now or I take you apart! You got that fool?" Naruto threatened as I sweat dropped.

Sakura started to choke him, "Your the fool! Making threats isn't going to help Naruto!"

"Your annoying. All of you. I don't like runts or any other scrawny weaklings. So when a wimp like this starts shooting off his mouth, I just want to break him in half."

"Uh. Fine. I'm not involved in any of this okay?" The girl said.

"First I'll take care of this squirt, then I'll waste the other one!" Kankuro said as he drew his fist back to punch Konohamaru.

But he was stopped by a pebble Sasuke threw and he dropped Konohamaru, clutching his arm in pain.

"Your a long way from home and your way out of your league." Sasuke said.

"Sasuke!" Sakura cheered.

"Naruto!" Konohamaru ran next to him.

"Oh great another wimp to tick me off."

Sasuke crushed the pebble he'd been tossing in his hand. "Get lost."

"How come your not cool like that?" Konohamaru asked Naruto.

"Ah, what do you mean? I could've taken that guy out in 2 seconds flat!" Naruto defended himself.

"Hey punk! Get down here! Your the kind of pesky little runt I hate the most. All attitude and nothing to back it up." He then tugged and pulled the strap down off his back.

"What? Are you gonna use the crow for this?" The girl asked.

"Kankuro. Back off."

I was shocked. 'Where did that voice come from?'

"Your an embarrassment to our village." He finished.

"Uh. Hey Gaara." Kankuro said.

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