S4 Ep1 - Things are about to change

Start from the beginning

Sheryl:  Since we're all far from danger we need to make something clear. What is going on, with the Catos.

The team squad looks at Avocato and Little Cato with worried faces.

Little Cato:  I.. I need some.. space. (Walking out of the pilot room. Ears down, have cried.)

Avocato:  Son!-

Little Cato looks at Avocato with hatred on his face. (Side profile)

Avoacto grasped his word and stayed silent. Looking down.

Gary:  Avocato... maybe you should give him space, today has been.. very hard on him

Avoacto:  Yeah.. you're right. I'm just worried about him. I mean- he's just a kid. He doesn't deserve to go through this.

The scenes end with Avocato looking at the door, once Little Cato was out of sight the door shut. 

MEANWHILE with Little Cato

Little Cato collaspsed onto floor, curled up into a ball. Tearing up. 


"Ash:  Little Cato! don't forget. They don't deserve you.

Little Cato:  Did you REALLY do it? You killed my parents?!?!

Avocato:  ..Yes.."  (Echoing in his head"

~End flashback~

Little Cato lifted his head up a bit and stared at his helmet with hatred. Wiping his tears, he stood up and grabbed a bag. Opened it and packed his blasters, batteries, tech, flashlight, pocket knife, blow-torch, First Aid kit and his journal. 

Little Cato:  I am done with this.. (Hatred in his eyes, ears down.)

Before Little Cato left the room, he looked behind his back and saw the memories in his head. He scoffed and ran to the hanger room. 

BACK with Gary and Avocato.

HUE:  Sorry to be a source of bad news Gary and Avocato but I just got some news.

Gary:  What is it HUE? Invictus? Dead me clones?

HUE: It's Little Cato, he's at the hanger and it looks like he about to flee.

Avocato: Wait WHAT!?! (Eyes widen and ears right up)

Avoacto steps back,  turns around in shock and starts to dash through the halls. 

Gary:  HUE!! Try and connect to his helmet! 

HUE:  Sorry Gary.. I can't.. It seems that Little Cato has disconnected his line from the network.

Avocato grabbed his helmet on tries to connect to Little Cato's line.

Avocato:  Little Cato! LITTLE CATO answer PLEASE!! Little Cato.?? He must've disconnected his line from the network. (Tearing up. Threw his helmet onto the ground)

Avocato finds the Hanger and finds Little Cato about to use his rocket boots.

Avocato:  Little Cato! Please! What are you doing.

Little Cato cancels his rocket blast from his boots and turns around, still has his helmet on.

Little Cato:  What do you want? 

Avocato:  To know what you're doing. Why are you leaving? (Reaching his hand to him.)

Little Cato:  You know why. I can't stay here with the person I THOUGHT WAS MY DAD, TURNS OUT TO BE A MURDERER WHO DIECEVED ME!!! (Stepping back)

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