Chapter 5: Evanescence

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AN: a song to go with the fic : 

when u left the school, u hitched a ride from a hooker to the mall. she kept offering u liquid stds but u refused because u were vegan and allergic to gluten. 

when u got to the mall u went to the hot topic, ur favorite and not at all expensive and overrated store and backflipped toward the cashier after u grabbed all ur edgy and overpriced stuff u coulda got on amazon, the site that wasnt gonna ever be successful. 

" lmao hey kids shouldn't u be at school rn" zed, the slightly emocashier, said. " omg yeah but school is kinda full of stinky white kids and to preppy for us emos so we are here now lol" you said.

 zed, who was very v e r y british, laughed ( britishly). "felt but im a very sucessful gardener so if ykyk eheheheheh" 

"if ur a sucessful gardener why are u working min wage at hot topic??" taylor said in an uwu voice. 

" damn u right" zed said ( britishly) " the writer of this story must have no fuckin clue what they are talking about lmao anyways."

as we were leaving the mall, vibing to XXXtentacion,  taylor looked at me and said " ok so like my emo friend Lemon right. he went missing. after he went to the nurse xo." he said shakily. 

" omg thats crazy anyways what do u want from mcdonalds" i replied. " bro wtf my friend went missing are u serious rn XO" he said slightly angerey. 

"miss bitch idgaf about ur stinky friend going missing im listening to X" i replied ( not britishly but angery ) 

"omg u suck im not asking u to the dance and ur not invited to my quincenera XP" he salsa danced away " i didnt ask to be born latina" he said as he left, dancing. 

i, onced again, suppresed the demons withing.  i walked back home, also salsa dancing.

(REMAKE) Emoboy!!: Oc x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now