Chapter 1

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*Freddie's POV*
I drove down the old country road that led to the compound where my wife Shareen and I lived with our community of like-minded thinkers. A place for the lost to go and become one- a place where the orphans would go and could find a home. But our family wasn't just a place for the lost- we were one of the most feared groups in the country. A group so feared that over half of our community weren't very sure of who my wife and I were. We were similar to everyone's parents who had come in lost- and who eventually married into our community.
I stopped as I saw a young girl who looked to be no older than seven wandering down it, wearing what looked to be a button-down shirt that was dirty and ratted.
"What's your name?"- I asked her as I stuck my head out of the window. I watched her flinch before she asked, "What's yours?"
"Freddie."- I replied as I saw her pull her shirt tighter to her and I realized that it looked like she hadn't eaten for days.
"When was the last time you ate?"
She shrugged her shoulders before I said, "I'm heading home- my wife has a hot lunch on the table."
The girl again nodded and I watched as she moved towards the truck and struggled to climb inside before I started driving down the road again.
I was surprised at how quiet it was inside of the truck, it hadn't been that quiet since Shareen and I had found Babs our oldest son we had taken it at the age of three.
"Here we are."- I said after a few minutes of silence as we entered the woods and I drove down a path that led to a section of houses that wrapped into a circle protecting our family in every way shape and form. We had people throughout the country- but this was our main hub, where my wife and I stayed when we weren't traveling to check on our other sections.
I parked the truck and saw my wife's wild and free hair shoot up as she finished chopping a piece of wood. I turned to look at the girl and quietly said, "I'll be right back."
I saw her nod and I slipped out of the truck and immediately embraced my wife and kissed her.
"Hey, baby."- she whispered as she played with the back of my hair.
I winked at her and wrapped my arms around her waist as I whispered, "I got a little something in the backseat that needs some of Ma Shareen for a little while."
I watched her brow arch before she pulled out of my arms and started walking towards the truck pulling her Carter Lumber coat tighter around her.
I followed behind her as she opened the back door as she turned to me and whispered, "Go inside Freddie- the poor thing is terrified."
I nodded and looked over her shoulder to the girl and said, "Ma will take good care of you."

*Shareen's POV*

Once the girl and I were alone I moved to sit on the step of the truck and said quietly, "Hey precious."

She didn't answer- I didn't think she would.

"Are you cold?"- I asked after a few minutes. The early mornings here in the woods were a little cold usually- I knew if I could get her to answer me about something we might move the conversation along.

She nodded and I watched her pull the long shirt she had on closer around her.

"How old are you?"- I quietly asked.

She held up five fingers as I saw her tiny hand start to shake.

"Pumpkin- I promise I will not hurt you."- I whispered. I saw her head move up to look at me as I reached out my hand. I waited as I kept my hand out and whispered, "Come 'ere precious- let's get ya warmed up. Okay?"

I smiled as I watched her slowly climb down from the seat and moved to sit down on my lap. I opened my Carter Lumber jacket and allowed her t curl inside of it.

"There ya go- precious," I whispered as I hugged her tightly to my body as I felt her wrap her small arms around my neck.

I lightly rubbed her back and asked, "Do you want to go inside?"

She shook her head no before I quietly said, "Pumpkin- I promise I will not let a single person lay a hand on you. Okay?"

She nodded before I added, "Will it make you feel better if I tell you- I will not leave alone."

She pulled back from a hug and I saw a smile spread across her face.

"Does that sound good?"- I cooed.

She nodded and I stood up holding onto her tightly and walked her into the house. Once I was inside I looked at Freddie and heard him say, "I see you got her inside."

I nodded and said, "Thankfully, before the poor baby could have caught herself a cold."

I carried her upstairs and into our bedroom so we could get her into some actual warm clothes. I sat her on the bed and headed into the closet and pulled out a sweatshirt and a pair of jeans.

I handed it to her and turned around to give her the privacy to change.

"You can turn around now."- I heard her whisper. I turned around and saw her dressed and I slipped off my jacket and picked her up.

"Precious- what should we call you?"

She shrugged her shoulders before the two of us locked eyes and I asked, "Arrow?"

I saw the smile on her face before she nodded and I said, "Arrow it is."

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