Larry:J'ai besoin d'air (I need some air)

Larry's pov

Oh my god... that was the worse thing I've ever seen. Lance literally had shit up his back and stomach. I came outside and threw up a little, after a few minutes of getting fresh air I went back inside.

Lau:Je te promets que ce ne sera pas toujours comme ça (I promise you it won't always be like that)

Me:J'espère que ce n'était pas horrible (I hope not that was horrible)

Lau: Parfois, il n'y a que de petits cailloux, parfois c'est régulier. Maman a dit que tu avais toujours des éruptions (Sometimes there's just little pebbles sometimes it's regular. Mom said you use to always have blowouts)

Me:Si cela m'a fait comme ça, je sais que ça fera pire parce que son estomac est si faible (If that just did me like that I know it'll do layha worse because her stomach is so weak)

Lau: Vous allez bien (You guys will be fine)

2 weeks later

Layha's pov

This week has been horrible, Larry and I both are sick. But he's gotten a little better He got sick first then gave it to me.

Larry: Babe you want some more soup before I go to the workshop?

Me: Please

He walked out the room and rena called me.

Phone convo

Me: Hey rena

Rena:Oo girl you still sound bad

Me:I know I got Vicks on my chest and under my nose but it's barely doing anything.

Rena:Aww you guys need anything?

Me: Actually I need some nausea medicine

Rena: You're nauseas?

Me: Very.. and I threw up the last three mornings

Rena: Do you think you could be pregnant?

Me:I doubt it

Rena: Hmmm I'm getting you a pregnancy test anyways

Me: Girl I'm not pregnant

Rena: You never know.. I'll see you in thirty

End of convo

I highly doubt I'm pregnant.. I've accepted the fact that I'm just not able to have kids.. and that's ok. Larry came into the room with my soup.

Larry:Ok be careful baby it's really hot

Me: Thank you baby

Larry:I wish I could stay home with you

Me: Me too.. but I'll be fine

He kissed my forehead.

Larry:I love you

Me:I love you too

He left and not too long later rena came over.

Rena: All the stores are blowed

Me: That's why I hate going to them.. where's the kids?

Rena: With Laurent's mom

Me: Oh ok ok

Rena:Ok before anything..

She pulled out a pregnancy test.

Rena: You're taking this

Me: Rena..

Rena: Take it Layha

Two reasons I don't want to take the like I said I've accepted the fact that I probably will never be able to have children...two.. I rather not get my hopes up.

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