Chapter 8

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The location definitely looked like a trap but that didn't stop them. Walking in, they looked around and saw Beatrix passed out looking very pale.

Lizzie ran to her sister and checked her pulse. She was alive albeit barely.

"Dane get your ass over here and get out her outside and wait for backup. Then tell my dad we're up here." She ordered.

Dane, valuing his life, did as she said as the remaining four looked around further.

Riven heard a skittering sound and alerted the others.

"Shit. It is a trap. Ok Musa come on you need to go." Lizzie exclaimed.

Musa nodded and ran out trying to leave when a scraper threw itself at Lizzie. Sky stabbed the thing and it fell to the floor dead inches away from the girl.

"Beth you need to leave to. Go find Musa and wait out there we'll be right behind you." The girl went to protest but couldn't as Andreas blocked the door.

"Drea what are you doing we got Beatrix get the fuck out." Lizzie said.

Andreas didn't move. He only looked at her as his eyes glowed red. Fuck.

He threw himself at the girl taking her to the floor. She let out a scream as Saul entered. "Andreas get off her!" He bellowed.

The brute simple looked at the man before charging at him. The pair began to fight as Riven pushed Lizzie out the room.

She was near the exit when she heard Musa scream. She couldn't just leave her there.

Running in the direction of the scream, she knew this was a bad idea but she saw Musa as a sister and she couldn't leave her sister in danger.

"Musa!" She screamed breaking down the door. She saw her sister figure getting drained by the scrapers. She wasn't wasn't conscious.

Lizzie knew she had to do something otherwise she would die. Knowing this was her only plan, she summoned her mist and took down as many scrapers as she could.

Upstairs with the specialists, Andreas had Saul in a choke hold moments away from ending his life when his eyes went back to normal.

He looked at his son. "Do what you need to do." And just like that he was back to trying to kill his best friend.

Sky hesitated. He didn't want to but his father told him too. Without thinking he plunged his blade into his father's back.

Andreas fell to the ground with a thud before looking at Sky. "I love you son."

The man's eyes glossed over as he stared emptily at his son. The blonde couldn't stop the tears as Riven helped Silva.

A scream shot through the house, startling the men. The two teenagers knew who that scream belonged to. They had the misfortune of hearing the exact same one last year and knew it wasn't anything good.

It was Lizzie.

She wasn't able to kill all of the scrapers and a small group of them had latched onto her, stealing her magic.

Everything faded to black and for the first time in over a year, Lizzie Silva was at peace.

The three specialists darted downstairs where they heard the scream and searched for the girl. Saul saw them first.

It was horrific. He saw the girl he classed as his daughter bleeding on the floor unconscious. The man moved his eyes and saw something worse. He saw his daughter half dead on the floor with scrapers latched to her.

Without thinking, the ran in an started killing them as he yelled for Sky and Riven.

Riven told Sky to go outside and he did not being fully there mentally after having killed his father.

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