Chapter 7

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"Do I have to go dad?" Elizabeth asked annoyed. Her father had just told her about Queen Luna coming to Alfea to give an assembly about the burned ones.

"Eliza sweetheart, I know how much you hate the woman but it is mandatory.... although if you felt very sick or I don't know got a migrane I'm sure you'd be able to stay in bed." The older Silva told her, a knowing look on his face.

The blonde engulfed her father in a hug thankful he gave her an out. Elizabeth hated Queen Luna with a passion. The way she treated Stella was appalling and if she could she'd murder the woman.

"Thanks dad. I love you!" She shouted as she ran towards the suite. Despite spending most of her time with the boys, she still made an effort to get to know her suitmates. For the most part she liked them, some more than others.

Stella was her best friend and she loved her like a sister.

Bloom. Well Elizabeth had a crush on the fire fairy. She also had a rather large crush on Sky.

Terra was a good friend of hers. Thye both grew up in Alfea so they were pretty close.

Musa. Elizabeth loved Musa. She thought the mind fairy was a loveable person. Not to mention the two really hit it off. They bonded a lot over their mind abilities.

Then there was Aisha. The blonde didn't really like Aisha that much. Yeah she was ok but she was a goodie two shoes. She always wanted to tell Miss Dowling everything that went on which annoyed the chaos fairy.

On her way back to the suite, she bumped into Bloom who was heading towards the east wing.

"Where you going fire cracker?" The blonde asked taking the red haired girl by surprise. The fire fairy hadn't noticed her somehow.

Turning back to look at the older fairy, she took two steps towards her and grabbed her hand. Both girls felt a warmth inside them due to the contact but shrugged it off.

"Come here Ellie. I'll explain on the way." And she did. She explained everything as she dragged the second year with her.

Just as they were about to open the door. Sky slammed it shut scaring both fairies.

"Fucking hell Sky. Maybe a little warning you're here like I don't know a hello." The blonde exclaimed.

Said boy shook his head with a laugh wrapping his arms around the girl pressing a kiss to her head muttering an apology.

Bloom watched the two interact and felt her heart warm. She was never jealous of the two despite liking them both. If anything the ginger wanted to be included. She loved the way they were with each other and it was clear the pair liked each other.

The fire fairy had convinced herself neither blonde liked her. Why would they? She was here and they were them?

That was in fact not the case. Both blondes felt something for the younger girl as well as each other but they both decided not to say anything, not wanting to make anything awkward.

The duo explained to the specialst what they were doing and he offered to help. Anything to spend time with his two favourite girls. He thought to himself not knowing that Elizabeth had heard it by accident.

Thankfully, neither noticed the light blush on her cheeks and if they did they didn't mention it.

"So what's the magic year?" Sky asks looming through some old pictures.

"2004. That's when I was born." The ginger responded wiping dust from another pile of pictures.

"Not sure if we're going to find pictures of pregnant teen fairies fire cracker." Elizabeth jokes. Bloom smiles at the name. Shortly after meeting, the older fairy gave her the name and she loved it.

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