Chapter 5

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Skyler's P.O.V

I'm not a big fan of a lot of pink, but Grandma just loved pink. She said it looked good on me. The thing about me is that I'm not a girly girl or a tomboy, I'm in between.

The town mall was filled with teenagers and preteen girls, both doing the same things. Shopping and gossiping. I saw my Grandma retracting a pair of pink skinny jeans that matched the heart on a T-shirt she was holding. I felt my eyes widened and she smiled.

"This would look cute on you." She said.

I shook my head. "Grandma, you know I don't like pink."

She roll her eyes. "Please? Just try it on. If it doesn't fit you we'll leave it."

I groaned and took the pants from her. "Fine." I said as I walk to the dressing rooms. I opened one of the stalls, got in and locked the door. I took my shirts off and put on the hideous pair of jeans. They were so tight it hurts. I quickly take it off and put my shorts back on. I got out of the stalls and walk back to grandma. "They don't fit."

"You're lying."

"No I'm not."

"Fine. Okay, we've done enough shopping. What do you want to do now?" Grandma asks as we got our stuff checked out.

"I'm sure."

She takes a few bags and left the rest for me to carry. We walk out of the mall and walked to the parking lot.

"I know you love to read. There's a new bookstore not far from here." She told me as we out our shopping bags in the truck. I got excited when she said that there's bookstore here. I love reading!

"Oh, where is it?" I ask. Excitedly. She chuckled.

"You see that little jewelry shop right there?" She points her finger at a cute jewelry store. "Turn left and you'll see it." (A/N: I'm not good at giving directions. Sorry.)

"Thanks grandma!" I hugged her.

"No problem sweetie. While you go there I'm gonna see my friend Ellen. You remember her right?" I nodded. Of course I do. That woman is like a second grandmother to me. She used to bring me cookies whenever I come visiting Grandma when I was a little girl.

"OK, bye Grandma."

"Meet me here in 30 minutes."

I jogged to the bookstore and opened the door when I was in front of it.

As I enter the door, to my right, past the readers and coffeeshop patrons, I feel the warm embrace of coffee, precious ambrosia to a tired soul. Coffee, yes, with a chocolat undertone, and vanilla and cinnamon overtones, piercing the air with a cornucopia of flavors. Today I know why my mom says cinnamon tastes red in color, and vanilla feels so amber sweet and deep, tugging me in her direction. Plain Coffee, no pastries or trifles. And maybe just a taste of dark, rich chocolate. Then past the acrid newspapers and magazines that smell a bit of varnish, past the plasticky games and puzzles, and to philosophy. Past the young adult, bubblegum flavor, beyond the miasma of new age and incense,... Patrons have their own smell. Young Adults smells a bit like young women, Tests and study guides smell like high school and college students, New Age always smells a bit like sage, musk or sandalwood depending on who was there recently and how long. Music books always smell a bit musty, because of the patrons. Parenting books always have an undertone of baby powder, oils and baby secretions. Chain bookstores clean or change the limited rugs because everybody has a smell, and sometimes they step in one and bring a trace of that smell in.

I walk to the young adults section. And picked a random book. I read the summary. I thought it was interesting, so I took it. I looked for more books. By the time it was 2 pm I already had 12 books.

"That's enough book for today." I told myself as I went to check them out. On the counter there's a girl flipping through magazines. She has long brown hair. She is lightskin, about 5'5" inches tall. She's wearing a red tank top that says 'I love summer' and a pair of white shorts. She is really pretty. "Hi."

She looks up from her magazine. She smiled. "Hey." She checked all the books out then said, "that will be $21.57." I nodded and took a twenty and two dollar bills from my pocket. I mentally thank grandma for giving me money this morning in the car. I gave her the money then she gave me my change back. "Are you Lola's granddaughter?" She asked me.

"Uh, yes I am. How'd you know?"

She smiled. "You look like her."

I laughed. "A lot of people say that."

"I'm Ashley." She reached her hand out for me to shake. I smile and took it. Wait, that name sounds really familiar.

"I'm Skyler."

"We should hang out sometimes." She said as she put the rest of the books in a bag.

"Yes we should. The only person my age I known here is Chase. It'll be fun to have a girl to talk about boys, and girl stuff with." I laugh.

She laughed along with me. "Wait, you know Chase?" She asked me after our laughter had died down with a shocked look on her face.

"Uh, yah."

"Oh. Are you guys friends?" She had that look on her face

"Kinda." Why is she asking me all these questions? Does she like Chase? Grandma said that a lot of girls in this town likes him. Is she one of them?

She was about to say something when my phone vibrates on my pocket. I pressed the home button and saw that I got a text from Grandma.

Where are you?

I quickly sent her a text back.

"Well, I have to go. My grandma is waiting for me. It was nice meeting you."

She smile. "It was nice meeting you too."

I get out of the bookstore. While walking to the parking lot I though of why did I feel kind of angry when she asked me about Chase. Do I like Chase?

A/N: a short chapter, I know. I'm bit disappointed. This was not my best work. I'm gonna try to make the next one better.

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