Chapter 1

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I don't even know how I got here but yet here I am in front of this lavish and beautiful hotel. It's supposed to be for a big family trip, my family goes on them every year but I assumed we wouldn't have enough funds this year. I was kinda tuning everyone out as I walked in, it looked even better inside as people walked around looking for their rooms and eating the delicious food.

"Don't wander off we need to do a headcount." My mother said before walking off. I fought the urge to roll my eyes and just stood there waiting for them to get everyone together. After what felt like forever but was probably only 30 minutes we had done a headcount and checked in. I was excited to know I had my own room since I was considered "grown" now, not that I was complaining. As I made my way upstairs I locked eyes with someone and my heart damn near leaped out my asshole. It was him, from last year he looked as astonished as me. I quickly turned my head and kept walking hoping he wouldn't say anything and to my luck he didn't. Once I had gotten to my room I had unpacked everything before showering and shaving.

"I'm going to the pool if anyone else wants to come" I sent the text to the family gc but didn't get a response, guess everyone was busy.

I was in the pool sitting on the steps there weren't a lot of people so it wasn't like I was being a dickhead. That's when he and a girl and a boy walked in. He looked older and even stronger than last year his body looked soft but hard, the boy next to him was darkskin and a little chubby but just as tall as him with what looked like free-forms I'd assume. And then there was the girl, I couldn't tell what she was but she had pale skin and long hair she was pretty. I guess I had been staring too long and hard cause he made eye contact with me.

Shit shit shit shit shit SHIT!

"Do I know you?" He said as he approached me.

"No" I kept my answer short and my tone harsh. Nothing against him I just wanted him to go away but I guess he wasn't going for it because he quickly responded. "Yes I do, you're Amarie.. right?" I rolled my eyes so hard they hurt.

"Yea Pierre what do you want?" My heart was hammering but my tone was even as I gave him a hard glare. He didn't seem to care though because he gave me that same soft big smile and let out a little laugh. "You remember my name-"

"Who is this?" Asked the girl rudely cutting him off I could tell she was trying to be nice but her eyes said something completely different as she looked me up and down. I mean I didn't look bad I was darkskin with long braids in I had done them myself I think they looked good. I had braces but my teeth were straight as ever from them being on for four years and I was wearing a polka dot bikini.

"Ah this is an old friend her names Amarie I met her last year at uhm.. camp" his voice kinda broke at the camp part as he fought the urge to get flustered. I just pretended not to hear that last part and went deeper into the water ignoring them. I know that makes me look like a bitch but I didn't wanna carry on with this half assed conversation. They soon got in after me playing and splashing as screams and laughs filled the air. I was minding my own business when I felt a hand on my stomach I already knew who it was. "If you throw me I'll kill you" he knew I wasn't playing but I guess he didn't care cause next thing I knew I was under water.

"Pierre! I'm gonna fucking kill you!" I chased him and splashed at him as he laughed but wasn't shit funny I had gotten water up my nose and it BURNED. I finally got a hold of him wrapping my legs around his waist to keep him still as I put him in a head lock from behind. He bent back taking us both under water which caused me to let go and hold my nose. When we came back up I punched him. "Ow mar you didn't use to be this violent" he whined sounding like a little bitch. "Shut up" I said while pinching his nose. By this time his other friends were by us and had started making conversation. "I'm Zaire but u can call me Zi" said the darkskin boy.

"I'm maya nice to meet u" said the girl she still had the same look in her eyes so I rolled mine again but felt a big sting on my back. Pierre had popped me.

"Stop that shit hurts I'm wet idiot"

"Well stop being rude"

"I wasn't being rude they already know my name"

"Whatever mar." I hated how he called me that.

"So. You guys wanna play Marco Polo?"said Zi. At our big grown age? I thought but before I could say no Pierre and Maya both said yes and before I could sneak away Pierre had his hand on my waist holding me there. I was trying to burn holes in the back of his head with my eyes. "Not it" they all said quickly which pissed me off I didn't even wanna play and now I gotta be fucking Marco?

"Guess you're Marco" said Maya I fought the urge to drown her. I didn't even know her why is she speaking to me?

"Yea whatever let's start" I said as I closed my eyes and heard them start to splash and move away.


"Polo!" They all said in unison.


"Polo!" Once again in unison but this time I heard the Zi boy to my left. I started after the sound of his voice repeating Marco. As I got closer he must of got more frantic because he began to splash but right before I could reach him I heard someone say polo in my ear before touching my butt and close to my cooch. I didn't recognize the voice and when I opened my eyes it was a random man my heart dropped but before I could respond Pierre was already there grabbing me and pushing the guy away. We quickly got out of the water as I kinda clung to Pierre I didn't want to because I don't need no protector but this man was seriously creeping me out with his dark eyes and balding head.

"Don't fucking touch me" I said with as much venom as I could muster even tho on the inside I was shaking like a leaf.

"Why not I thought we were playing a game" his voice was all gravely and ugly as he laughed a little.

"We weren't playing with u and even if we were that's not how u play" I said looking at him with disgust. He didn't like that tho because he got out and looked at me with those beady little evil eyes.

"Don't look at me like that bitch you're the one dressed slutty" I didn't care too much for what he said I loved showing skin but let's be serious it's a fucking swimming pool what does he want me to wear?

"Are you fucking dense it's a swimming pool you dumb bitch." I was heated and taking a step forward when Pierre pulled me back firmly.

"Don't call her that." By this time Zi and Maya were by us. Before I could say anything the man swung on Pierre and missed. Uh oh. Pierre swung and hit his target leaving the man and me shell shocked. The hit echoed, it had bounced off the man's face and onto the walls. I guess someone had reported him because security was there escorting the man out and questioning us.


Hey guys that's the end of the first chapter please vote and comment and ignore any spelling errors I'm honestly lazy asf and I don't even know if this book will become popular anyways hope you all enjoy🫶🏾

Last summerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora