The Bunny Family

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Short chapter again

Next page will be another 1500 worded Chapter like the first 2 so don't worry

This chapter and the "seatwork and talk" chapter was suppose to be together in 1 chapter but i decided it was better if it was seperated, that's why the "seatwork and talk" page and this page was short

That's all thank you!


Monty started browsing his Closets for clothes, he grabbed the an ordinary small slim fitted long-sleeved shirt that showed his body shape, and pants tucking it in inside his Boots, once he was done preparing he went downstairs to check on his dad

"dad?" Monty asked peeking at the door frame, of the kitchen "yeah?" Bonnie replied looking back as he tied his neck tie, Monty went in the kitchen and sat at the counter top, "you ok dad?" Monty asked again, "yeah of course, why wouldn't i be?", "i dont know, maybe by the fact your meeting your family who rejected you because of... You know... Me.." Monty replied, "im fine, really, and don't feel guilty, i have no regrets in raising you" Bonnie spoke petting the gators head,

"you got all the stuff you need before we leave?" Bonnie asked, "yup im all done" the Gator replied they proceed to the car, Monty then went in the passenger seat, following with his dad going in the driver seat, Bonnie shifted the gear to drive and started the Trip with a Music

"we're almost there, there's the house" Bonnie said, "wow it's big" Monty replied, they pulled up at the front of the house parking beside the curb, they got off their car and went to the door standing at front of it, "ready?", "ready"

Bonnie knocked 4 times at the door, the door opened revealing a Man who is a purple midage bunny, his eyes lit up as he saw the 2 standing infront of him, the Man hugged Bonnie, "oh my god, its really you", Bonnie hugged him back" yup its me, Bonnie", the man broke the hug and cupped Bonnie's face smiling it him, he then looked at Monty with an unexpected face, Monty expected a disgusted face but instead he received a delighted smile, the man also hugged Monty and looked at the Gator "you must be Monty" the man spoke, "yeah, that's me" Monty replied, "come on in you 2" the man spoke escorting the 2 inside,

As they stepped inside the eyes of the people on the living room was set on them, "big bro!" a small light blue Bunny came rushing to him, and hugging him, "God its been 15 years" the Bunny said pulling back from the hug, then turning his attention to the alligator, "i assume your Monty?", "mhm", the bunny smiled grabbing his hands, "well cmon then newly nephew" he spoke pulling Monty to the living room where the rest of Monty's step-cousins are, leaving Bonnie to talk to his dads and brothers

"These 2 are your cousins, feel free to talk to them, me and your uncles and grandfathers will go have a talk with your father", Monty gave a nod as a response before his step-uncle left the room, he set his eyes to the two bunnies also know as his step-cousins, then he saw a familiar face from school "Bon?", "sup" bon replied arms crossed and eyes in another direction, "i take that you were the one who told them me and my dad was here?" Monty asked also crossing his arms, "yeah"

The other one stood up and approached monty "im Rocky(Rockstar Bonnie), nice to meet you" rocky spoke shaking hands with Monty, "im Montgomery Gator, monty for short, nice to meet you aswell" Monty spoke with a smile, "don't mind Bon, he's always like that", "no, really, it's alright" Monty replied

The 2 grownups finally went inside the room, "i see your already making friends with my son rocky" the small light blue bunny spoke, Monty gave an Mhm and a nod, the small bunny than smiled before speaking again "I'm Van(toy Bonnie), wich is your Dads little brother, making me your uncle", "hehe nice to meet you sir" Monty replied, "no no call me uncle", Monty chuckled lightly before replying again, "nice to meet you uncle van"

"And this one is your other uncle, your dad's big brother" Van spoke convincing the other to introduce his self, it was a large black Furred bunny, larger than Monty actually, just as big as his dad, and a perfect athletic body, and looks so Dominant the way he stands and looks, his face was expressionless, and judging by the look of his face, he looks like a drug addict

"shad-", "no im not touching that Black sheep" the Dark furred bunny spoke walking out of the room, Monty's feelings was hurt ofcourse but he didn't mind it, but he was definitely hurt inside, "don't mind him Monty he'll get around, that was your uncle shad, Glamy's dad", at this point Monty saw how each son is similar to their Dads,

3 more grown ups entered the room, this time with Bonnie who certainly wasn't happy, one Really blue bunny approached him "Hey kid, my name is Blue(BonBon), your dad's dad, nice to meet you" blue spoke patting the gators shoulder, "nice to meet you aswell sir" blue smiled as another one approached Monty, this one it was a old bunny, he didn't look that old but he looked like a guy who is in their 50's and he's Graying, he looked very excited to meet me, "Hey There Sport! im your grandpa Marcescent! (Withered Bonnie)" Marcescent spoke as he grabbed the Gator by the armpit and raising him up, he then put the Gator down, "hehe... Its very nice to meet you to" Monty replied,

they all went to the backyard to hangout and eat grilled hotdogs and barbecue and talk, Although Shad and Glamy didn't talk to the Gator, but still, they all had fun.

Ecstasy Of Delight (Freddy x Monty) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن