[ ✯ THIRTEEN ✯ ]

Start from the beginning

"Kazu-kun?" Said Suzune, breaking the silence.

Kazutora lifted his head up to look at her, golden-brown eyes shining a brighter hue in the sun's reflection, "What's up?"

"Can you promise me something?" She inquired, because my oh my was Suzune so much alike to Y/N, her own thoughts playing in sync with theirs.

"Hmm, depends on what it is," Kazutora trailed, "'cause I don't like making promises to people." Because promises are usually meant to be broken, aren't they?

"Yeah, that's understandable," Suzune nervously laughed, "but it shouldn't be too bad, I hope."

"So what is it?"

Suzune breathed, taking her time before forming the words on her lips, "Can you promise to always be with me?" Now, this took Kazutora by surprise, but before he could say anything, she continued. "Not, like, literally, but you know... always be my friend and stuff."

What are her intentions? Y/N wanted to think, but shoved that thought away. "Yeah, of course I can promise that," Kazutora smiled, feeling relieved that he didn't have to put extra effort into their relationship before Suzune got attached. It was sort of manipulative, but it wasn't like Y/N was the only one doing that, and it wasn't like Y/N didn't actually care for her, because they did, they really, really did.

"Really!?" Suzune excitedly let out, repositioning her body to fully face him, "I was so scared that you'd say no. You know, I really don't have that many friends despite talking to a lot of people. There are very few people that I actually trust with things, and since Hinata-chan trusts you so much, I want to do the same thing!"

But wouldn't that be too careless, to trust someone that you only met a couple of weeks ago? Y/N concluded that Suzune and them grew to trust people at different rates. That, or Suzune just has a remarkably large sort of trust for the Tachibana girl and whatever she believes in. Either way, Y/N couldn't help but consider it to be foolish. Regardless, however, that did not matter, because Suzune was not Y/N and Y/N was not Suzune.

"Yeah, of course," Kazutora repeated, affirming her excitement. "I have a hard time trusting people, too, but that all comes down to experience, doesn't it?" Wise words for someone like L/N Y/N.

"Yeah, that's true," Suzune softly replied, smiling as if she had just won the lottery.

Y/N didn't understand her excitement, but relished it anyway.


Now in the library, Sasaki Nanami was staring out of the window, peering down at the two friends that conversed. A look of heartache washed over her face, watching as Suzune made him promise the same thing she made Nanami promise. When will this cycle end? Nanami internally cried, forcing herself to look away from the sight. It'll just keep happening, so why do I even bother? Her emotions were valid, her love for Suzune growing with each passing day. But she knew that Suzune would never feel the same, she knew that Suzune didn't actually care.

I need to warn him, thought Nanami, burying her eyes into the worded pages in front of her, because who else can if not me? But she blinked, pulling herself out of the idea as she reconsidered. But wouldn't I be betraying her by doing that?

The room was quiet, leaving Nanami to her own swarm of inquiries to herself. She knows Suzune, better than anyone else. Because she herself was still trapped in her web of lies, her string of words that wrapped around her heart. She knew it, she knew all of it, but Nanami could never bring herself to go against her. Nanami's heart was exactly where Suzune wanted it to be, and Nanami could do nothing but wait it out. To wait until she got bored of her. To wait until Suzune was finally ready to cut their ties.

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