- France x United Kingdom ( FrUk ) -

783 8 18


This is most likely the Best ship in all the fandom, France and Uk just seem so perfect together, Sure they have had wars, but Hasn't most countries, unlike Rusame, This would be the BEST Enemies to Lovers story, I feel like they get along do well and It is basically an Official ship, It works even better because Of how USA came from England, ( A country inside of the UK ) And their story on how USA wanted freedom, while France Hasn't had any " Real wars " With USA, France has given so much support to USA, and A good gift which is the Eiffel Tower.

If they weren't together

Well, Lets say they didn't become lovers with each other and the war only had gotten worse, well, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand would ether not be alive, or not their Normal Selves, Without USA helping things like World War two, Or the Soviet Union, Lets say.. The world wouldn't Be Like how it is today...

- Country Humans Ship! My Opinion - Out of ten  -Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang