Makar Anatolievich Ivanov

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Physical Information
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Height: 170cm (5 feet 6 inches)
Weight: 75kgs (165 lbs)
Species: Cybernetically augmented human
DOB: August 13th
Status: Alive
Makar is a tall and muscular young man with pale skin, short black hair, and blue eyes. He has a gray metal prosthetic right arm with parts glowing blue. His outfit varies depending on the situation.
Professional Information
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Affilliation: Unnamed Faustlandian government-funded orphanage (former), Faustlandian Orthodox Church (former)
Occupation: Priest (former), mercenary, assassin
Alsou Al-Shifa (mother)
Anatoli Ivanovich Ivanov (father)
Konrad Konstantinovich Ahmadeev (best friend, comrade-in-arms)
Phillip Vladimirovich Belov (friend)
Theophania Paleiologos (enemy)
Edelfried Zeitgeist (enemy)
Makar, unlike Konrad, is way more emotional. He is less strict and formal, and is often more relaxed and laid-back. He has a strange and sometimes dark sense of humor. He gains no enjoyment from combat, and prefers to avoid it if possible. He has mild anger issues and is often paranoid when around suspicious strangers (such as Theophania) and can lash out at them and threaten them. One of the main reasons for this is that he doesn't want to end up like his father, who was murdered by his father's rival.

He also dislikes people who act outside of societal norms (such as Edelfried) and is vehemently against the breakdown of traditional social standards, which, surprisingly, makes him more conservative than Konrad.

Although, under Phillip's influence, he began acting differently: he became more relaxed and laidback, but more easily irritated, and was completely fine with making dark jokes.

After Phillip's death, Makar almost completely went back to normal.
Powers & Abilities
Just like Konrad, Makar is a professional fighter who is very good at using various weapons, especially firearms. His prosthetic arm gives him a combat advantage, as it itself can be used as a weapon (its fingers have sharp claws and it can transform into a powerful laser cannon). He does not have any supernatural abilities, though.
Makar was the son of Alsou Al-Shifa, an escort, and her husband Anatoli Ivanovich Ivanov, an assassin. Due to his parents' dangerous jobs, Makar and his family moved often and rarely stayed in one place for a long time.

One day, while he was out with his parents, his father's rival appeared and began shooting at the family. Makar tried to protect his mother and ended up getting his right arm shot off.

After his parents were killed and his arm was shot off, he fleed from the scene. He ran to the nearest orphanage and fainted near its gates from pain and exhaustion.

He was found by the orphanage's staff, who allowed him to stay with them. While staying at the orphanage, Makar met Konrad Konstantinovich Ahmadeev, who would later become his best friend.

All the other children treated Makar with respect and understood that he needed special care due to his disability. They helped take care of him, and he never felt like an outcast.

Once Makar grew up, he was not taken away to serve in the military, as his missing arm disqualified him from military service. Instead, he became part of the Faustlandian Orthodox Church.

Makar's interest in religion increased, so, he became part of the Church. He managed to become a priest. He served in the Church for a long time, managing to earn money thanks to the generous donations of believers and the sale of religious memorabilia. Earning money was not his goal, and, he rejected the money so that all of it would go to the Church itself. However, some people paid him directly due to them feeling bad for the impoverished and handicapped priest, and, he had no choice but to accept their payments.

He earned enough money to buy a prosthetic arm. After many years of serving the Church, his interest in religion changed in a way. He wanted to find his religious identity independently, and, so, he left the Church.

Surprisingly, soon after leaving the Church, his interest in religion completely disappeared. He understood that theology did not interest him anymore. He began doing various odd jobs, and ended up entangled in the world of hired guns.

Ever since then, he worked as a mercenary and assassin, with Konrad remaining by his side. Konrad was his most trusted ally and his battle partner.

Makar never liked spilling blood. But, he only took the lives of evil people, such as cutthroat businessmen, corrupt legal officials, mafiosi, and hypocritical politicians.
Additional Information
• Makar's mechanical arm is inspired by the Prototype from the Poppy Playtime franchise.
• The name Makar is part of a saying: "Yok-Makaryok" ("Ёк-макарёк"), referring to something (usually a device) that has been broken or stopped working.
• Makar was originally supposed to have shoulder-length black hair, no mechanical arm, wear a black trenchcoat, and have the name Dolente, however, this idea was scrapped.
• Makar's favorite food is tomatoes.
• Makar's favorite sport is football.

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