2)it's getting interesting

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  Foxy accidentally bumped into Felix.
"Watch where you're going, you little... Oh. It's you." said Felix with anger. Foxy was just akwardly standing there spacing out. "Oh... OH! I'M VERY SORRY!" said Foxy. "You need to stop shouting, it's gonna become a habit, you know?" said Felix trying to look like he cared even a little bit, he did know how how to change and hide his emotions since he used to be a performer."right! I'm sorry.. I wasn't looking and just caresly walked down the hall and then bumped right into you I'm sure you had some important business to deal with!" said Foxy trying to change the subject. "Yeah. I'm very busy." Said Felix while thinking how was he supposed to get ride of Foxy by taking Willows request. "Hey.. you don't seem too well, maybe, you should take a break, go somewhere, do something and do stuff. So, just stop fuckin' around here and fuck somewhere else, understand?" said Felix trying to end the conversation quickly. "Ah.. I don't know... Do you have any idea of where should I go?" said Foxy very confused. "The fuck should I know?? Just go to the... I don't know carnival, hospital, park, just, anywhere that it isn't here." just as he said it he handed Foxy a flyer. "See! Go there and stop being a pain in the ass." said Felix tired and went to another room leaving Foxy alone in the hall. "Jeez... You don't have to be that mean, dipshit." said Foxy heading to the exit.
After some time he got to Carnival.
He heard people shouting in excitement as he was heading in the court. He stoped there and for a moment it was silence. Just pure silence. Till he saw him. "Did you guys miss me???!?" said the clown on the stage. Then everyone started shouting again. Foxy was just there. He was analysing the clown, his long blue hair, his body, his lips, his nose and... his GREEN eyes. "Such beautiful eyes..." said Foxy to himself. "They are just so... Green. I can't take my eyes off the clown". Just as time passed Foxy just realized the show was over and everyone was heading to the exit while the clown was just.. standing there like a puppet. No sound, no movement, you couldn't even see him breathing. He was just standing there looking at the people who were going through the exit, looking for someone but he never saw that person. Looking with his lifeless green eyes. Then the clown walked off the stage heading to the other exit that only staff could enter and exit. Foxy was so intrigued by the clown, he wanted to know at least his name.
Clownys pov:
"Ahh... I'm so fucking tired already, just looking at their faces almost made me puke. People are so fucking disgusting and boring. Why the fuck I'm still doing this shit, only for that old mans money. Pfft I want some action too. I liked it better before, when I wasn't always feeling like shit,  had sooo much famee, moneyyy and had a partner. Eh.. better say a fuck-er. HAHA AHAHAHA!". As he was laughing his ass off, he headed towards the exit he was stopped. He didn't know why tho. But something wasn't feeling right. Something wasn't in it's place. As he turned around slowly, he saw him, well, he thought it was him. "After all this years... That bastard still has the guts to come back. I'll make him learn what "leave." means." was mumbling Clowny to himself. "Ha! Got you-" said Clowny. Then Foxy slowly turned around facing Clowny. "Wha-" said Foxy being caught with his guard down. "Oh. It's not him.." said Clowny mumbling to himself "Ah. I wanted to... ah. I thought you were someone else, I'm sorry, mister!" said Clowny trying to excuse his act of stubbornness. "IT'S OKAY!" shouted Foxy, flustered and becoming as red as a tomato. "Okay. Then I'll leave you, sir, alone if that's okay." said Clowny trying to get out of the akward situation he was in. "Ah.. I. .. I wanted to ask you.. yo-your.. your n-" said Foxy trying to speak normally. "Do you want my phone number?" said Clowny confused. "AH?!" Said Foxy as he's heart was racing so fast that it was gonna jump out of his chest. "I don't know.. how do I know you're not some kid who wants my number to take me out on a date, I can't really give my number to anyone, you know. I need to know a little more about you?" said Clowny. "YES, of course.. ahmm. My name's Foxy. I'm 25 years old and ahm.. I'm a fox!" said agitated Foxy. "Hahaha I can already see you're a fox but you don't seem any harm so, I'll agree. I'll give you my number." said Clowny take out a piece of paper and a pen out of his pocket and writing down his number. "Here, be careful with it!". "Can I ask you something else..?" said Foxy trying to avoid eye contact with the clown. "Sure. You can ask me anything." said Clowny wondering what could he be asking next. "Can you please.. tell me your... Name?" ...
"Pfffft HAH HAHa! You litterly just asked for my number and just now you're asking for my name... Oh my dear... You're hilarious! AHA Aha. I like you. You're amusing. And by the way, my name's Clowny, do not forget it."

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