Billy Hargrove X Reader - It Will Rain

Start from the beginning

"These are for you," he started, holding out one of the bouquets in your direction, and pulling you into a quick kiss when you cradled them delicately. "Hi," he added softly. 

Another soft chuckle slipped out of you. "Hi," you repeated. "This is cute," you teased, nodding at the other bouquets in his arms. 

"I'm trying to make a good first impression," he confessed. "Which ones do you think your mom will prefer?" 

You glanced between the two bouquets, letting out a soft hum. "The pink. She loves Dalias," you told him, and he nodded. 

"Which one's a Dalia?" You quickly pointed to one of the flowers, watching as he focused in on it. "Perfect," he murmured, swallowing down the anxiety rising in his throat.

"Take a deep breath," you told him softly. "You've already exceeded expectations by showing up on time, Baby. And these will be very impressive," you pressed on. "You're doing good."

He let out a soft breath, nodding. "Okay."

A woman walked in a moment later, a bright grin on her face. "You must be Billy," she started, quickly crossing the room to greet him with a hug, almost crushing the flowers in the process. "I'm Y/N's mom; she has told us so much about you."

"All good things, I hope," he chuckled, still looking a little out of his element. 

"All good," she confirmed with a light breezy laugh. 

Billy's mouth opened and closed as he searched for the right words. "These are for you," he finally started, holding out the bouquet in her direction as you grinned beside him. "Y/N said you like Dalias," he added.

"Oh, aren't you just adorable," she told him, taking the flowers and smiling down at them. "Thank you."

Footsteps came thudding down the stairs a moment later, interrupting the conversation until a little girl was standing at the bottom, staring up at Billy. 

"Hi," she started, a toothy grin plastered on her face. 

"Baby, this is my sister," you told him. 

His smile only grew as he knelt down in front of her. "Then these must be for you," he hummed, holding the final bouquet of flowers in her direction and watching as her eyes widened in shock. 

"For me?"

He nodded, letting her take them from him. "I like your dress," he pressed on. "It's very pretty."

"It's my princess dress," she confirmed, hugging the bouquet as though she was scared someone would try and take it from her. "I'm Aurora," she added softly.

"Sleeping Beauty?" he gasped out. "I love that movie."

"It's my favourite. I watch it all the time." 

You chuckled, running your hand over Billy's shoulder. "So does Billy," you told her. "I bet he'd love to watch it with you sometime," you added, watching as he glanced up at you with a bright smile. 


"Not now, Sweetheart," your mom interjected. "Dinner's almost ready," she explained, watching as your sister let out the most dramatic sigh possible, frowning deeply. 

Billy let out a soft chuckle. "I promise I'll come and watch it soon," he told her. "I'll bring some candy, too, if your mom says it's alright."

"Come on, Little Princess," you hummed, steering her towards the dining room with a soft chuckle. "Dad," you started as you led Billy into the room. "This is my boyfriend," you added, reaching back and taking his hand in yours, giving it a comforting squeeze. 

Your dad got to his feet, moving towards Billy and holding out his hand for a firm handshake. 

"It's nice to meet you, Sir," Billy told him, trying his best to look brave whilst he was internally losing his shit. 

Your dad nodded, clearing his throat. "Your name's Billy?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Short for William?"

"Yes, Sir."

He nodded again. "You still in school, William?"

"No one calls him William, Dad," you uttered, a comforting hand still resting on Billy's arm. "It's just Billy."

"I am, Sir," Billy pressed on.

"And what colleges are you looking at?"

Billy swallowed. "I've been offered a scholarship at Purdue. I want to major in economics-"

"A scholarship?" Suddenly, your father looked a lot more interested in the conversation. "Sport?"

"Basketball, Sir."

"He's a power forward," you interjected. "Best player in the school."

Billy shot you a little side-eyed glance, a small smile pulling at his lips. "You make me sound like Magic Johnson-"

"An LA Lakers boy, huh?" your dad interrupted, a smile playing on his face.

"Yes, Sir. I grew up in California, so it just comes with the territory."

"Well, we should be a Pacers family, but there's no chance of them beating out the Celtics this year. You think the Lakers'll get to the final this season?" 

You were grinning from ear to ear watching the interaction. It was so nice seeing them getting on without much prompting.  In fact, it was going a hell of a lot smoother than you'd been expecting.

"Daddy look," your sister called out, brandishing the bouquet like it was a weapon in her arms. "Billy got me flowers."

"Well, aren't they pretty," your dad hummed out, sending a little glance back towards your boyfriend who was grinning at your little sister.

"And he said he's going to watch Aurora with me," she added, looking so goddamn excited that it was impressive that she could even stand still. 

You squeezed Billy's arm tightly, drawing his attention over to you. "Told you they'd like you," you whispered, watching as his smile spread across his features.

"Can't even wait until the evening's over to tell me 'I told you so'?" he chuckled, brushing his hand over the small of your back before pulling away rather suddenly, all too aware of being in your dad's company. 

You shrugged slightly. "When I'm right, I'm right. I'm not going to wait around to tell you," you teased, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek as your mom walked in with the first couple of plates, ushering you all to the table.

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