Answer From Another World.

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Dead Effect 2 Male Reader X Ruby Rose [Part 2]

This is the continuation of the story so far...

With the Huntresses unable to confirm if the boy was real or a pretender, they continued their day without a second thought

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With the Huntresses unable to confirm if the boy was real or a pretender, they continued their day without a second thought. With many moon passing, Little Red has decided to see if this boy is no fake.

-Crow Father.

The Halls within Atlas is where Team RWBY were on their way for their next up coming mission. Their weapons are loaded, well rested and ready to take on anything. Yang turns towards her friends before speaking.

Yang: Think it's gonna be another search and destroy mission?

Blake: Whatever it is, we shouldn't forget why we're at Atlas. To retrieve the Relic before Salem does.

Weiss: Exactly what I was about to say!

Yang: Hey Ruby! What's the big plans on getting that Relic?... Ruby?

The team realized that their leader didn't answer, they soon stopped before turning around, seeing Ruby walking slowly with her scroll in her hand, looking at the contacts and specifically your name which replaced the Number that started it all.

Weiss: Ruby Rose!

Ruby: H-Huh?!

Ruby immediately lifted up her head, seeing her team look at her with curiosity until Weiss knew what's going on.

Weiss: Don't tell me you're still thinking about that call. It's obviously fake.

Yang: Aww come on, Weiss! Aren't you a little bit curious?

Weiss: Not one bit.

Ruby listened to her teammates talk about the call from the week ago. Ruby looks down at her scroll again, not sure if she should make the video call or not until Blake stood next to her and suggested.

Blake: Well... It has been a week, so maybe we can find out if it's real or not.

Yang: Best Idea, Blake!

Weiss: Ugh, fiiine!

Everyone stood close to Ruby as she held up her scroll, and began the Video Call as it begins to ring... Took a moment before they see a familiar ear... And heard that familiar voice.


Ruby: Whoa whoa whoa! Calm down! It's me, Ruby!

(y/n): Huh? Ruby? Why does that sound familiar...?

Ruby: Look at your phone, silly!

Ruby giggles before she watched you pull your phone away and saw familiar faces...

(y/n): What... But... How? Is it even possible to hallucinate and see the exact same cartoon people...?

Ruby: We're not Cartoons, we're real people.

You stood there confused, but then you immediately pointed at something off camera.

(y/n): Then what's that then?

Ruby: Uh...

Yang: We can't see anything but you, (y/n).

Your arm goes limp, the realization kicks in as you looked away...

(y/n): Oh my f*cking god I am actually talking to cartoon characters...

Weiss: Why are you calling us that?

(y/n): Here I thought i was losing my mind but this sh*t confirms it all-

Yang: Hey uh, I'm gonna ask you to tone down the language, you're on the call with my little sister here.

You blinked your eyes before turning towards your phone and replied nicely.

(y/n): Sorry... Uh... Who's who again?

Ruby then began by pointing at herself.

Ruby: I'm Ruby...

Then Blake...

Ruby: This is Blake...

Then Weiss...

Ruby: Weiss...

And finally Yang who's holding a peace sign.

Ruby: And this is my older sister, Yang.

Yang: Yooo!

Blake: Nice to meet you.

Weiss: Hmmph!

(y/n): Well I'll try to remember your names and faces... I'm (y/n). It's nice meeting you all... As weirded out and tired I am, I am very happy to know I actually have real people to communicate... It's... Nice...

Blake: You look terrible, I can see those bags under your eyes.

Blake asked with a concerned look before you chuckled and lifted your arm up towards a direction as the girls sees a pile of tables stacked against a door...

(y/n): I've been fight for my life... Just finished barricading the cafeteria door two minutes ago... Got lucky too... Damn Zombies...

Ruby: Are you... Ok?

(y/n): Huh... Yea... Yea I'm fine, I got this to defend myself till I find a gun...

Ruby: What do you got?

Ruby asked as you showed the girls a black ice pick in your hand.

(y/n): A Tactical Ice Pick... I got two of these...

Ruby: Ooooh!

Ruby was fascinated by the look of the Ice Pick, it may look simple but Ruby was still interested in it.

Ruby: Is it also a gun?

(y/n): What...?

You were confused by the Question before you began to chuckle a bit.

(y/n): N-No, it's just an Ice Pick. I can't shoot bullets with this.

Ruby: Oh, that's weird cause we have weapons that's also a gun.

Yang: Except for Jaune.

(y/n): Wait... Really? So whatever weapons you can swing is also a gun that shoots bullets.

Everyone but Weiss nodded their heads as you were surprised to hear this.

(y/n): Oh damn what world are you girls in? That's Fu- uhh that is really cool!

Suddenly the girls heard a loud bang, followed by a static before seeing you in a terrified state...

(y/n): NO NO NO!!!

Ruby: (y/n)?!

The watched you drop your phone, perfectly landing where that can see you in the corner of their screen. They watched you swing the Ice Pick at a tall figures head as they fall over, you stumbled back before you began to slam the Ice Pick into the fallen figure's head.


The girls watched in horror as you kook towards the broken down door... The girls could barely see but they could see figures with glowing yellow eyes as you quickly ran towards your phone and ran...

Ruby: (y/n)?!

However you only looked down at the phone and at the girls with tears in your eyes as you were clearly scared before hanging up...

The girls stood there... Shocked and Horrified as Ruby was very concerned about you before everything fades to black...

And the title "RWBY" appeared as the title is covered in blood and silence fills the air...

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