Just Two Thoughts For This Time

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Content Warning: Mentions of casual ableism. 

It was not a good day at all for the seven months old, mantle great dane puppy Badusha (Or Dudu, as belovedly called by her amma.)

When she woke up that morning, rigorously shimmying off her gigantic body out of sleep, there were cardboards—everywhere. She couldn't really believe what a gratifying display she was seeing—plentiful cardboards of different sizes in one place—in her place. She didn't know if anyone else would understand the hype but this would basically be like Badusha's idea of an amusement park, if they were to make one for her.

What a lovely, chewy, blissfully clocked up day she was going to have destroying them with her drooly, jowly mouth—at least that was what she had hoped for.

Her hope merely lasted a few minutes until Kalki, her amma, came out of the bathroom after her morning shower and told Badusha the things she absolutely didn't want to hear or obey.

It was atrocious—how her amma had told her with a cautionary flourish of her index finger at her, and her stare a little disoriented—partly because of the disheveled house, and partly because of all the tedious packing and organizing she'd had to do all alone, her words unusually curt.

Apparently the boxes were here not for Badusha to play with, but to pack their things to move to a new home, in a different place. And the way her amma had said it—looking absolutely bewildered and almost-drained-about-to-cry expressions on her face—she knew that none of her usual tactics like showing her puppiest eyes, or lying down at her feet and licking them until her amma gave in, or giving kissie kissie to amma without her asking for it was going to work.

Badusha scowled and stretched her chin against the lip of her plushy bed that she had already outgrown, as her floppy white splotched ear fell on her face.

Moving to a new place was okay, but she preferred chewing on the boxes better!

Why couldn't this amma pack their stuff in some other thing—like, a huge food box that she used in the food room or some sock, but a gigantic one to cram their stuff?

Why boxes? Why, her most favorite thing to play with in the world?

Now, she had to sit and watch her amma load every single one of their things into her beloved boxes, that she'd had no likelihood of chewing on! What a waste!

The whole day went by in Badusha longingly watching the boxes being unfolded, sealed at their base with a thick, screeching noisy cello-tape, and then being filled with beautiful vessels that made Badusha her food everyday, various of her amma's clothes, showcase stuff, her tug rope and the lots of squishy chew toys her amma had gotten her in the past several months she'd come home, and finally the laundry bag that they had to make shift as her toy basket for a while dive in, after being neatly doubled.

It hadn't been a good day at all!

While she sat and watched her amma do all the drudging work, crossing her paws and chewing on her milk bone (which she'd earned some time ago as a reward of consolation for not trying to sneak up on the new cardboard boxes,) her amma retained one black marker before emptying her notebooks, books, files, and a huge wooden case containing a bunch of pens and brush pens into another cardboard box.

She sealed them with the annoyingly noisy cello tape, and picked the separated marker to scribble something on the sides of the boxes one by one. Human's way of writing everything and those letters always seemed ludicrous to Badusha.

The wide open window across them, in the middle of the living room, offered an ethereal view of the lustrous orangish-blue, evening skies through its iron bars, as the sun had almost approached its horizon. The lit up buildings planted all around Kalki's apartment started to flash their squinty lights, along with the occasional flickers of lights from the aircrafts that took off from the nearby airport, could be seen ascended across the skies through the bars, skirling their own muted rumble roar, leaving behind soot, contributing majorly to global warming.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2022 ⏰

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