"Yahh!!! We almost died there...!Wemdy said while panting

"Atleast we did......!" Rafa said while sighing

"Don't be complacent..... the people at house are about to rush here so let's hurry!! Run!!!" Jacob said as he ran inside the tower

The three ran into the tower as soon as they entered, Rafa immediately closed the gate and put a pipe in the door so that it could not be opened from the outside.

When the men in the house got up from the dizziness from the smoke, they immediately went to the tower to follow Rafa but they could not open it

"Yahhh Rafa! Whats the brand of your brain? Yahhh Daebak!!!! Nice job!!" Wendy's admiration for Rafa's Idea to put a pipe on the door so that only the man at the top of the tower can fight them, and the men outside can no longer enter

"Our only problem is the man upstairs and where we will go out later if the other men are on outside..." Rafa said

"Let's go.....let's go upstairs..... to find the Vice Pres. Harvey"Jacob said

They quickly ran upstairs and saw two doors facing each other, one was a door to the Rooftop and the other was a door into a room. they saw Harvey tied and blindfolded through an open door, while Rafa noticed the man wearing a sniper turned away from them on the other door

"Vp Harvey.!!!!!" Wendy said loudly

The man looked from outside the rooftop door when he heard Wendy's voice, he was about to get closer to them but Rafa's brain came back into existence so she immediately closed it. of the door and locked the man with the Sniper unable to get out

"Owwshhiiiiiii!!!! I thought I could fight there..... but that's fine.... as long as I don't reduce mu my bullets I'm carrying...." Wendy said

Jacob removed the tie from Harvey and also his blindfold ... and there he helped Harvey to stand up

If you can see Harvey's face, he has a long mustache and long hair that is almost curly because it hasn't been combed in years. his body is almost losing weight because maybe he is not fed, just like they found out that he was imprisoned here in 2016

"Si.....who are you.....? What are you going to do to me...?"Harvey asked as if he was traumatized that Jacob would hurt him

Jacob took his police ID and showed it to Harvey so Harvey wouldn't suspect them as a bad person

"I'm a police officer.....and I'm here to save you...So please just trust me Sir Vp" Jacob said

"It's good that you finally came..... To save me..." Harvey said

"Jacob! It looks like they have entered....How is that now? Where are we going?" Wendy asked

"It's simple, we have no choice but to go through the rooftop..quickly!" Jacob said

Rafa opened the door to the rooftop and Jacob, Harvey and Wendy hid on the side , the man with the sniper pointed his gun at Rafa and Rafa raised his hand as he backed away and the man walking  from rooftop

And when the man got out of the rooftop, Jacob stabbed him in the neck and just as the other men were going up, Rafa and Wendy ran to the rooftop with Harvey. 
While Jacob did not let go of the body of the man he stabbed and blocked him and even used the man's gun to shoot the man who went up to Rooftop

The rest of the men fell to the stairs and then Jacob let go of the man as he entered the rooftop and locked the door.

"Ahhh!! Shitttt!!! No one can go down any stairs.....what are we doing now.." Wendy said confused

"There are things we can jump here that are garbage bags.....Rafa said

Wendy peeked and it looked like they were going to jump there, they could escape quickly because the road was near and there were many cars passing by.

"Yes, but are you serious? We're jump from the 7th floor Tower?" Wendy said

"Yahh!!! We have no choice, okay! Alright, would you rather die here or run away with broken bones? " Jacob was still joking even though he was panicking

"okay fine!!! You do it first!!" Wendy was afraid to jump

the garbage truck was stopped to pick up the garbage bags, only one person away from the wall of its tower, so even if they jumped there, they still fell on the truck.

Rafa saw that and looked at the door as if the men were kicking it from the outside to get in. so Rafa immediately pulled Wendy and pushed her to fall into the truck because Wendy didn't even want to jump out o
Because of fear

Wendy fell into the trash bags riding the truck so she wasn't hurt too much, she was just surprised because Rafa suddenly dropped her

"Yahhhh!! Why are you suddenly surprised me ?? I almost died because of nervousness!" Wendy shouted from the truck

" Vice President Harvey..... jump in first and cuz don't have time left......" Rafa said

"Okay......You immediately follow us  quickly.....!" Harvey immediately jumped into the Truck without hesitating

Rafa and Jacob were about to jump at the same time but suddenly the door opened and they were immediately confronted and stopped from jumping

"Try it! By the time you jump...I'll make sure you're dead by the time you fall down there......" The man said bravely while pointing the gun at Rafa and Jacob

Rafa and Jacob raised their hands and looked at each other, Rafa also noticed that the truck driver had gotten in as if he was leaving , the men slowly approached to catch Jacob and Rafa, but when the engine of the truck started to leave, Jacob grabbed Rafa and threw her to the truck. And when he pushed Rafa there, he grabbed the gun of the man who was pointing at Rafa earlier and pointed it at the other man and shoot them one by one while the man was holding it

Rafa fell into the truck, she almost didn't get fell in the truck because the truck was started moving, when Rafa fell, she immediately looked up and saw Jacob fighting with the man with a gun.

"Jacob!!! What else are you doing that jump!! Rafa yelled at Jacob but the Truck kept moving away and they slowly got away from the Tower and Jacob was left behind

While Jacob was struggling with the man, the gun went shoot automatically and both of them were surprised and stopped moving

They just looked at each other until one of them fell to the floor because of the gunshot (I will not reveal who was shot)

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