Chapter 3- "race you!"

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6:30 am
I woke up to the sound of my alarm ringing and bird's singing. I feel like I'm in a Disney movie. I have a feeling life is about to get real fun.

My mom is not in her bed. I check the room and she's still not here. I start to panic when I hear the doorknob twisting. I grab the closest object that was next to me ( an empty bottle of water that was sitting on the TV stand) and use it as a weapon. God I watch too many action movies...

The door opens, I close my eyes and I throw the bottle in that direction "AAAH" I hear my mom scream. I open my eyes and take a moment to realize what was happening "what the hell maya?!" I burst out laughing "it's not funny! You almost made me spill the coffees I got for us!" "Omg mom I'm so sorry I thought you were a burglar or something" I say still giggling.
"Here" she says handing me a coffee from Starbucks "awww thank you mom I love you" "yeah yeah whatever" she says smiling "now go get ready and pack your stuff, we're leaving at 9:15 for the new hotel, check in is at 10:00. I communicated with Shawn's assistant and he gave me the details." "But mom it's only like 6 why do I have to get ready now" I say taking a sip of the coffee she got me "because I want to have time to hang out with you I mean after I drop you off, I go back to Vancouver hunny. I have work and your brother can't take care of himself you know that right?" She says rubbing my back "yeah I know... I just wish you didn't have to leave right away you know. We didn't even get to explore much of the city." She gives me a kiss on the forehead "ok now come on let's not be emotional, today is an exiting day for you!! Now go get ready and hurry up!!!"


"Ok I think we have everything" mom says looking around the room "yep!" I say.
"Ok we'll let's call a cab"


We arrive at the hotel and when I tell you it's surreal I MEAN ITS SURREAL.

The hotel is so cool I can't believe my own eyes. There is a restaurant, a bar, an indoor pool, an outdoor pool and a second restaurant combined with a pool AND a bar on the rooftop. (And so many more stuff)
I know. Wow.

The lobby itself is bigger than my school and the elevators look like rooms.
The lady at the counter waves at us so we go see her. "Hii!! Are you a regular client or are you here with a reservation group?" She says "a reservation group?" I ask "it's basically just a big group of people here for important matters all reserved under one name" "ohh yeah well I think so we're here with Shawn levy ?" My mom says "yes! Of course! If you could just tell me you're names and phone numbers so I can give you the keys and then you're good to go" "I'm Maya Allouani and my mom's phone number is ***-***-***" I say not letting my mom say anything "perfect! Your room is the room 320 and here is a card! Don't hesitate to call the reseption we'll be happy to help with any issues!" "Thank you! We appreciate it!" My mom says and I smile to her.

A few minutes later

We meet up with Shawn and his assistant and he takes us to a private like living room where a few cast members are sitting (Walker, Sadie, Ryan and Jenna)

Shawn leaves me here with them.

Walker waves at me so I go sit with him.

"Hey" I say sitting down "hi!" He say bouncing on the couch "omg the hotel is just woa-" "I know!!!!!" He say cutting me off "so uhm walker have you seen our room yet" "no..have you? I've been stuck here for twenty minutes because Shawn wants to make sure everyone arrived. "
"I haven't seen the room I've just arrived-"
"Okay everyone I think we're all here"
Shawn says entering the room with the rest of the cast.
God why is everyone cutting me off today ??
"-so you guys can just go now and get familiar with the rooms and I guess we'll meet up later!"
Shawn says right before turning to his assistant
"Oh and before I forget can you all exchange Phone numbers so you can communicate?"

We all give our phone numbers to each other and everyone starts leaving for they're rooms.

"Okay we'll I'm going upstairs since my parents already left and I think our luggages are already upstairs, I saw a guy with my suitcases" Walker says getting up
"okay well yeah sure I just gotta say bye to my mom and I'll meet you up there okay?"
"Perfect!" He says right before running out

*Tiny time skip*

"Okay we'll take care of you sweetie... and don't forget to brush your teeth and don't be a mess okay! And call me everyday!!!"
"Yes of course mom always" I say pulling her in for a hug
"Okay we'll I love you. Stay polite and call me if anything happens okay?"
"Okay!! Now bye mom!! I gotta go take a huuuuge nap because it's way too early for me" I say leaving the room to go meet the elevators.

There's a huge miroir so i fix my hair before getting out on the third floor.
I find room 320 and open the door...
"OH MY-"
"RIGHT??? ITS CRAZY!!!" Walker says (still cutting me off)

There's a giant Tv facing the two king sized beds and there is a huge window with a beautiful view.

"Oh by the way, that's my bed." Walker says jumping on the bed next to the window
"No way. We're doing rock paper scissors!"
"Sure" he says with confidence
"Rock paper scissors shoot!" We say in harmony
I win with a rock against his scissors.
"HAHA my bed!!!"
"Yeah whatever" he says rolling his eyes
"Ok I'm just gonna take a nap now I'm super tired" I say yawning
"Nooo come on don't take a nap what am I supposed to do"
Walker looks down at his feet and says
"We could go to the pool?"
"Ok you got me, let's go to the pool"

I put my bathing suit and some clothes on top  and get out of the bathroom when I see Walker playing on his phone sitting on his bed

"FINALLY OMG" Walker says
"You are so dramatic!! It took me max 10 minutes come on!"
"More like an hour and a half" he says rolling his eyes
"We both know that's not true!" I defend myself
"Whatever let's just go" he says smiling off the corner of his mouth.
He gets up and run towards the door saying "Race you to the elevators Maya!!!"
"You gotta be kidding" I tell myself as I start running as well

He won the race of course


We arrive at the outdoor pool section. Woah.
There is a restaurant on the side and the pool is an infinity pool. There are led light at the bottom but we can barely see them because it's super sunny.

"That's so amazing" walker says shocked
"Look Walker, it's Kevin and Ryan In the hot tub" I say pointing at the two guys talking while wearing sunglasses holding they're drinks.
"Maya..." he says very suspiciously
"Yes...?" I answer with the same energy
"Why don't we go scare them" he says in a smirk.
I smile at him and it's enough for him to understand that I'm down.

1374 words
Im sorry this chapter is not incredible I don't hate it but yk. Sorry It took me so long to update, I'll try and be faster in the future!!! Love y'all so much, and don't forget to vote <3
Ps. I know it's incomplete but I needed content to post so chap 4 will be posted soon, I'm working on it!

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