Mitsuki's Intuition

Start from the beginning

This wasn't the last time Mitsuki noticed strange behavior between the two of them. And it wasn't just when they were together. 

Boruto's eyes were usually lit up like a child. But lately, they were soft. Especially when Sarada was present. 

Mitsuki caught him looking away from her just in the nick of time on multiple occasions, and on days when he was especially tired, he didn't even try to hide the gaze of longing that showed up when she was standing in line to buy a burger or got separated from him on a mission. 

The most noticeable difference was his reaction to her injury. If Sarada even got so much as a scratch, no matter who decided to injure her, Boruto looked at them with eyes so cold it sent a shiver down Mitsuki's spine. Afterwards, he pretended to be nonchalant about it, simply asking if she was ok, and even teasing her on occasion. 

But Mitsuki found him, more often than not, looking at the injury as if he himself was suffering. Not just in pain. The kind of anguished look that he had worn on his face when he found out that he stabbed his master's eye. 

Mitsuki decided to broach the subject with him one day. "Boruto, you've seemed awfully concerned about Sarada lately."

"Hm?" He looked up from his soda. Hints of blush dusting his cheeks, he turned to the side. "It's her fault for getting injured more than usual." 

Mitsuki's eyes widened. Usually Boruto would have shot him down. Who? Me? Concerned about Sarada? Some sort of remark like that. Even though it was obvious, he would have denied it. But his response only proved that something was up.

"Boruto... Do you like her?"

"Who? Me? Like Sarada?"

Mitsuki smiled. "Mm!" 

"Mitsuki... As much as you like to tease us, don't joke like that. Sarada gets on my nerves. She's annoying and bossy. Why would I like her?" 

Mitsuki watched Boruto's facial expression carefully as he responded. His eyes narrowed. His eyebrows were furrowed. Boruto had a difficult time lying. And that was the face of someone who was pained by his own lie. 

"I see," said Mitsuki with a smile. 

Suddenly, Boruto's eyes widened. And then they softened. Mitsuki didn't have to turn around to know that Sarada entered Kaminari Burger. 

.  .  .

Boruto wasn't the only one who had seemingly changed overnight. It was Sarada as well. She still got mad at Boruto for doing stupid things on occasion, but she hardly yelled at him the way she used to. Her voice had sometimes taken on a softer tone around him, but there was usually a reason. Now, it was practically whenever they were together. She laughed and smiled more. Her face would sometimes darken mysteriously as she gazed off into the distance. And her cheeks would be randomly rosy at times, leaving Mitsuki wondering if she had secretly been staring at Boruto. 

At first, he thought maybe it was because of Boruto's karma. He had been distancing himself. Maybe she was being nice to him in attempt to curb his fears. But his intuition told him it was more than that. 

It wasn't until Mitsuki decided to purposefully show up late for a mission that his suspicions were confirmed. He watched from a distance as they sat, seemingly waiting patiently for him. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew through the air. Usually, one's reaction when receiving a gust of wind to the face is to close their eyes and turn away from the wind. But Mitsuki squinted through it, enduring the dry assault on his pupils. 

And what he saw was worth it. 

Faster than a human being could blink, Boruto had turned to the side and touched his lips to Sarada's cheek. She blushed bright red, but allowed the wind to blow her hair in front of her face. Boruto smirked. And then they both pretended like absolutely nothing had happened. 

Suddenly, all of their strange actions clicked into place. They were together. But they were desperately trying to hide it. So much so that they had to sneak their affection for each other when they were in public for fear that meeting up would cause unnecessary suspicion. Mitsuki was considering confronting them about their relationship. But Boruto had lied to him. Sarada likely wouldn't fess up either. 

Knowing that there had to be a reason, Mitsuki respectfully kept their secret. He walked ahead of them when he could, only smiling to himself when he heard their footsteps fall into sync. When an incident happened in the village that needed looking into and team seven was sent on the job, he volunteered to split off with Kawaki and rejoin, only so that they could have time alone together. And every so often, he would spy on them from a distance, watching as Sarada ran her fingers through his hair atop the trees, only to show up behind them the moment they stopped and pretend like he had seen nothing at all. 

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