Chapter 29: The Good Old Days

Start from the beginning

But the real magic began at soundcheck, when they all found themselves spread out across the stage of the O2 Arena. Much to their delight, Christine slipped right back into her place just as if she'd never left. And every single one of them tried to fight back the emotions at how good it felt to all be playing together again. Stevie stilled for a second when she felt a set of hands on her shoulders from behind, she could recognize Lindsey's touch anywhere.

"Hey," he whispered in her ear, "You okay?"

She nodded, not turning around to look at him for fear that she may start to actually tear up, "Just a little emotional that's all. You?"

"Me too," his voice was the same soft and gentle voice he brought out whenever he was comforting or babying Stevie. She would never admit it, but she loved it so much, that tender side of him that slipped out.

Finally, she turned her head to look over her shoulder and meet his eyes, finding two sparkling blue orbs staring into her soul. A tiny grin rested on his lips and in that moment, she had the sudden urge to climb into him and nestle up there forever - the overwhelming emotion at Christine, John, Mick, Lindsey, and she all being back together on stage suddenly too much.

"Don't cry," he whispered, able to read her mind.

She nodded biting her lower lip, "I know."


"THE MAC IS BACKKKKK AND SO IS CHRISTINE!!!!" Mick roared as the five of them stumbled off stage that night, riding high on adrenaline and excitement and the roaring applause they could still hear from their encore.

Stevie watched with a giant smile on her face and pit in her stomach as Christine and John held onto each other in a loving hug. She felt Lindsey's fingers grasping at her waist to comfort her, the night a bit too much for all of them.

"We're going to the pub to celebrate," Mick announced, "Johnny boy, are you up for it?"

John gave him a glare and an eye roll, "Of course I am."

"Chrissy, come back to my dressing room we can freshen up and get ready," Stevie grinned pulling on Chrstine's arm and guiding her down the hallway.

A brief silence fell over the room as Stevie shut the door behind them, finally leaving the girls of the group alone for the first time since Christine returned earlier that day.

"It felt really good to be back out there," Christine admitted as she sat down on the sofa.

"See? I told you!"

"I did miss it, all of us out there, you know? Especially with everything with John, it just makes you realize how precious time really is."

"I know," Stevie sighed as she sat down in her makeup chair, looking into the mirror and reaching for a makeup wipe.

"Something happened with you and Lindsey again," Christine said suddenly, her eyes meeting Stevie's in the reflection. It wasn't a question, and Stevie knew better than to try to lie about it based on the way Christine was looking at her.

"It's a long story," Stevie shrugged.

"Isn't it always with you two?"

"It's over now."

"Where have I heard that before?" Christine teased. "No but seriously, when was it....not over?"

Stevie sighed, "Chris, when my mom died, you should've seen Lindsey. He was calling me or at my house almost every week, sitting with me for hours while I felt like a depressed bum unable to get off the couch. He brought me sweets, talked on the phone with me until 3 in the morning, reminisced about every single memory since the day we met. It was so nice, I had forgotten about that side of him. Easy to do, I guess."

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