Chapter 20: He Remembers How Good It Can Be

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"Will you have time when you're in LA at all to get together? It would be nice to do this again." Paul asked hopefully as he and Stevie rode the elevator up to her floor.

"You didn't get your fix for the night? Not sick of me yet?" She teased.

He laughed, shaking his head, "I have missed you, you know. I don't think we've seen each other since shortly after your mom passed. It's nice to see you smiling and laughing again."

"I know, I'm sorry this year has been a little hectic. I took some time to myself before diving right back into this tour and the EP we did."

"You don't have to apologize, Stevie," he laughed, "I know you're busy. I just...well, I'm working much less these days and, it's nice to spend some time with you. Even if it's chasing you on the road."

She couldn't help but smile at him as she slipped her fingers through his, him leading the way out of the elevator as it arrived on her floor of the hotel. "I'll only be in LA one night, so I'm not sure."

"The night before your birthday," he grinned.

"Ugh," she shook her head. "Is it? I guess."

"Molly is going to come with me to the show, we'd love to see you after if you have time," he smiled, referring to his daughter, one of Stevie's many godchildren.

"That sounds nice, I'll let you know," she smiled, turning to place a kiss on his cheek.

"Well, thank you very much for accompanying me to dinner tonight, my dear."

"It was all my pleasure. I swear, you somehow manage to be more handsome than ever," she beamed while running her finger down his nose.

He laughed, "Flattery will get you everywhere. That is definitely a lie, but me saying you look absolutely incredible is not."

She smiled up at him fondly, appreciating the company and attention of a man who made things so easy. For one, he was not married and unavailable like Lindsey. He also wasn't hot headed or short-tempered like Lindsey was. He worshipped her, but not in the sometimes twisted way that Lindsey did.

As she stood before him looking into his eyes, she let her mind wander a bit —what if she gave him a second chance all these years later? She was looking for uncomplicated, loyal, trustworthy, and easygoing, and he was all those things and more. He'd known her for nearly as long as anyone else had, and he understood how set in her ways she was - but that didn't frighten him.

"You're daydreaming," he smiled, breaking her thoughts.

"Yes," she laughed, "About you, actually."

"Care to share with the class?"

She shook her head bashfully.

"Ah, I should have known better," he grinned, "Goodnight beautiful. I'll see you in LA."

She leaned in to wrap her arms around him for a soft hug, placing a light kiss on the corner of his lips to his surprise. "Goodnight, thank you for dinner," she whispered with a smile before disappearing behind the door.

Stevie had half expected to come back to a voicemail or note from Lindsey apologizing for their argument earlier tonight. There were no messages, no notes, no trace of him anywhere. With a sigh, she undressed and ran the bath water. Maybe he would still show up or call. Maybe she should call him? She thought back to their earlier fight and rolled her eyes, she didn't do anything wrong, she certainly wouldn't be the one to cave. Instead, she thought back to her evening with Paul and how smooth, relaxing, and easy it went.


May 21, 2013, San Jose, CA

They spent the entire morning and plane ride mostly ignoring each other, each of them holding out and refusing to be the first to cave. Stevie wanted so badly to pick another fight with him, but she refused to look up from her journal as she felt his eyes piercing through her.

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