"For better or worse." I said to him.

Even me and my mom's relationship took a turn for the better. She told me that dad dying left her not knowing what to do with me or herself so she became closed off. She apologized for leaving me stranded emotionally.

I think we'll be just fine.
She and my in-laws have been frequently visiting to check on me and the baby. Junior has been spoiled rotten by his 3 grandparents and I have no doubt that baby girl will be equally spoiled.

On our way home Harrison tells me there's a surprise waiting for me.

"Why are you spoiling it?" I playfully punch his thigh and he laughs.

"You are almost 8months pregnant. I am not risking your water breaking because someone screamed 'SURPRISE!' and you didn't have prior warning." He shrugs.

"Okay fine. You're so overprotective." I tease him.

"I have to be. It's my husband duty." He says proudly making me smile.

He is a great husband and an even better father. He jumped into protective daddy as soon as we got home when I was pregnant with Junior. The car accident scared him and he always stayed closed. That was scary for me too. Our lives were getting on track and suddenly got knocked off course again.

He cried after I gave birth to Junior. Seeing the tears flow as he held his son in his arms was enough to make me fall deeper in love with him.
He was up for as many diaper changes and feedings as possible. He was not fazed at all by a blowout diaper, he was more than happy to handle them.

He said, "you already did the heaviest lifting, it's my duty to lift some weight as well." Oh he was and still is a wonderful man.

Being pregnant with baby number 2 has taken his overprotectiveness up a notch. I have been thoroughly spoiled and taken care of and had every need met...including crazy cravings.
He has found me many times in the middle of the night with either ice cream or avocados and one time with both in one bowl.

We pull into the driveway and Junior seems to be getting more excited.

"Mommy party. Baby party mommy!" He says and we laugh.

"Yes sweety, baby party." I say as we get out of the car. This sweet boy can't keep a secret for nothing. He says everything that he thinks and has heard.

"You ready?" Harrison asks as he picks up Junior.

"As I'll ever be."

"I warned them not to scream and surprise you too much. Contained excitement. Thats the theme." He said and I laughed.

We walk into the house and out to the back and everyone jumps out claps hands and a big banner appears written 'SURPRISE!" on it.

I am so happy to see our close friends and family gathered to celebrate our new baby. I greet everyone and my best friend Monica comes up to me with a big hug.

"Hey beautiful. Your husband said we must not scream at you so we got a banner to scream for us." She says and she narrows her eyes at Harrison who just keeps a straight face.

"Your loving husband got you a dress for the occasion. It's upstairs." Harrison says and kisses my cheek.

The dress is so beautiful. It's a pink, off the shoulder mesh gown that flowed and fit so comfortably. He did so well. I look good. Harrison is looking at me in the mirror after he helped me get dressed.

"You look beautiful babe." He said and kissed my bare shoulder making blush.

The afternoon is filled with great food, games, gifts and even better company. Junior has been attached to his grandfather and dragging him everywhere and he indulges him. He would do anything for his grandson. He had all his grandparents wrapped around his little finger and none of them seemed to mind it.

They played a diaper changing game which Harrison and his dad tied for and they insisted on a rematch because only one can get the victory. Harrison clinched the win by a few seconds and was so proud of himself.

Everyone was having fun and being merry. Out of the corner of my eye I see Mark and Sophie disappear into the house. Those two have been acting weird for months now. I don't know if they think we are unaware of what they are up to or what, but we've known for a while.

I poke Harrison with my elbow and nod towards them and we share a laugh. Those two are silly. "Do they honestly think we don't see them?" I ask Harrison who just shrugs and chuckles making me suspect that he knows something.

"Do you know something?" I ask him.

"No. What makes you say that?" He says and laughs which makes him look guilty.

"Your laughter and guilty look. Spill. Right now." I give him a serious look which makes him laugh even more.

"Come on baby, he's my best friend. Fine. He has a thing for her. I saw it in how he's always excited when she's around and to eat her food. She's always giggling around him. So yeah, maybe something is going on." He shrugs.

I give him a side eye and he laughs promising that he doesn't know if they are dating or not.

~1 month later~

I'm in the kitchen baking choc chip cookies with Junior because they are his favourite and I promised we would make some this afternoon.

"Mama can I have one pwease?" He asks sweetly and I hand him a cookie that he quickly devours.

"Do you want to help mama make lunch for you, mama and daddy?" I ask him as he finishes his cookie.

"Yes!" He squeals.

We decide to make sandwiches with a salad because it will be quick as I have already been on my feet for a while. Making lunch with a two year old is fun and tedious. Junior thinks throwing the lettuce like confetti is hilarious. This will take a while. Finally we finish making lunch and I carry Junior off the kitchen island and give him a squeeze which produces a giggle out of him.

*whoosh* "Oh oh." I say as a rush of water gushes down my legs. "Oh oh." Junior giggles imitating me and I chuckle as I put him down.

"Ahhhhh!" A contraction hits.

"Mommy are you okay?" Junior asks with a scared voice.

"Mommy will be okay baby. Go get daddy and tell him to hurry up, okay?" I say to him. "Ahhhhh!" Another contraction hits. "Mommy?" Junior cries as he hangs onto my legs.

"It's okay. Just go and get daddy. Tell him to come quick. Come on baby. You can do it." I say and gently untangle his little hands from my legs. "Okay." He says and runs to Harrison's office.

I move around the island so I'm not standing in a puddle of water. The baby is a little early by atleast 2 weeks and I am hoping all is well with the baby because the contractions came on rather quickly and close together.

"Alicia?!" I hear Harrison calling out.

"In the kitch...ahhhhh!...in the kitchen." I say and he runs in with Junior on his hip. He places him on a nearby couch and rushes to take my hand leading me to the couch.

"Let me get you a change of clothes and grab the hospital bag and we'll be on our way, okay? I got you." He kisses my forehead and disappears to our bedroom. Junior is nuzzled in my lap and rubbing my tummy. He doesn't fully understand what is happening except that mommy is having a baby.

4 hours later I am pushing our baby girl out. Harrison was wonderful and patient even when unsavory words flew out of my mouth. Our parents were in the waiting room waiting for the news that their new grandbaby was here.

"One more push baby, you got this." Harrison encourages me and I give one big push and the room fills with the cries of our newborn baby girl. We named her Luna.

The next couple of months were filled, once more, with the love and support of family and friends. Adjusting to having two children was hectic, but it was all worth it when I looked at their beautiful, innocent faces. I loved them and the life we have together as a family.

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