episode 1: Mk's new found step-dad

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"Oh no the city's getting destroyed. Oh that's a shame!" Said Mk before getting off the phone with Mei. "Wish I could stay longer but uh you know. Uh boring shit, this is boring. Uh gotta go! " he yelled before running out of the place he was with monkey king towards the city.

"Oh god damnit. " muttered Wukong as his successor and adopted son ran off.

As he's on his skateboard you can hear sonic music.

"Yo so what the fuck did I miss? " asked Mk as the skateboard went flying into a wall after he jumped off it next to Mei.

"Mk what the fuck took you so long!?" Yelled Mei.

"Yeah sorry fam me and monkey King were playing Monopoly. Uhm anyways uh what are we dealing with right now?" Asked Mk as he looked towards the enemy.

The enemy appeared to be a giant shadow monster.

"Give me the Wi-Fi password you mortals!" Yelled the monster in a threatening tone.

"That is a very big boy. I'll handle this hold on. " said the boy before he launched himself at the shadow creature with Mei trying to stop him. Key word being trying. "Here comes monkey oh shit AH! " Yelled the delivery boy as he got thrown back by the monster.

"Shut your dumbass up I wasn't done talking. I-I WAS TALKING TO YOU! And you have the--" ranted on the monster as Mei talked to Mk.

"You damn idiot don't you think we tried that already?" Said Mei as she looked at the boy. "I mean piglet over there tried too." Said Mei as she looked over to a pig demon, laying in the same beat up position as Mk. While she was speaking you could also hear the monster call Mk a dumbass. Which he kinda was in that moment.

"Life is nothing but pain." Muttered Pigsy as Sandy dropped a hankercheif on him.

After the pig demon spoke something or someone flew passed then with a whoosh.

"Yo who the hell is that?" Asked Mei.

"That be monkey King? Ain't no way!" Yelled Mk as the figure landed on the roof in front of the shadow monster.

"You dare to challenge me?" Asked the creature as the figure started to speak. The figure appeared to be a shadow monkey of sorts.

"Listen bud I just woke up from a nap and I'm to tired for this shit. I don't have all day for this so I'll hurry this up." Said the figure as he brought out his shadow staff.

"I'm trying to be threatening here why is no one taking me seriously!?" Yelled the frustrated demon as the shadow monkey twirled his staff.

"Yo guy the only thing threatening here is that giggy ass hair cut. Get that shit out of here!" Said the shadow monkey.

"Oh look who's talking idiot!" Yelled the monster, jesturing to the fact they both have the same style as a tornado of purple wind attacked him. "When I come back I'm going to roast the ever living hell out of you."

"Yeah yeah whatever be quiet damnit. " said the monkey, not noticing Mk climbing the ladder up to the roof.

"Yo! Bro that was sick!" Yelled Mk before he started to slip. "Oh shit ah!" he yelled as he fell.

"Huh. Well I guess he's dead- Jesus!" Yelled the shadow manipulator as Mk appeared out of nowhere.

"That was totally amazing bro you totally kicked his-" said Mk before he noticed the manipulator wasn't Wukong. "Oh uh t-this is akward. Y-You're not monkey king." Said Mk.

"Uh yeah no shit Sherlock. Thought I made it obvious. anyways Uh monkey kid, right?" Asked the figure as Mk gasped.

"You know my name?" Said the boy before the shadow manipulator started to laugh.

"Bruh that's monkey King's staff. I can tell from a mile away. " said the manipulator as he pointed to the staff.

"Oh wait seriously I thought it was a back scratcher all this time." Said Mk before realizing he didn't know the other males name. "Wait a minute who in the fuck are you?" Asked Mk as the male chuckled.

"Uh Macaque! The six eared macaque. Who named me that? I don't fucking know!" Said Macaque before he started to walk away. "Anyways see you 'round bud. Now if you'll excuse me I'm very tired and I need to get back to my nap." said Macaque before Mk got excited and stopped him from walking away.

"Please teach me that move I wanna vaporize my enemys!" Exclaimed Mk with stars in his eyes.

"Okay first of all what the fuck. Secondlly, uh personal space bud and lastly." Said Macaque before backing up a bit. "Uhm. Don't you already have a master? I thought that bitch monkey King was teaching you."

"Uh- oh- well. H-He is but he's been a- bit of a lazy ass all day." Said Mk as he fumbled over his words.

"Of course he is he's my fucking ex for a reason. Anyways I'm sure he wouldn't mind some fatherly bonding time with my new found son. What do ya say kid?" Asked Macaque as Mk thought for a solid 4 seconds.

"Hmm yeah! you know what! Spend some time with my step dad that's now gonna fucking hurt anything!" Said Mk before the two started to walk away with Macaque putting his his hand on his step sons shoulder.

"A wise choice son." Said Macaque before he used magic to change to design on the back of Mk's jacket. "A wise choice indeed."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2022 ⏰

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