The time traveling kitty

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One sunny morning the sun is beaming high in the sky over shadows way. A beautiful ginger kitty from shadows way sees some food in a yellow box near the bins in the garages at the end of the street. Ite where everyone keeps there rubbish. It's bin collection day and the kitten knows there's probably some food in there. She pushes the bin over n finds a yellow box with a half eaten can of tuna. So she climbs in eats the tuna has a nap and several hours go by. It was 1pm on the 1st September 2022. She wakes up its the 5th November 2022. Wow I fell asleep again. The kitten wonders what time it is so goes to check if the paper is morning or evening paper. She flicks over another bin and a few more before she finally finds the evening paper. Oops I fell asleep rather a long time didn't I. It was 1st September morning. Now it's 31st September evening. Big oops. Did they box just time travel in? Was it the tuna? The kitten takes the box n hides it in the garage. I need a mission. What can my mission be. Now I can time travel. Find my home & get my owners a good paid job. Probably. My owner Jonathan cooper works at the Lidl checkouts. Could be better. I'll help him be manager n get promoted.  I'll pop in the store do odd jobs hee missed and tick it off his list. He will wonder what's going on but not mind as the jobs are done. Then maybe he'll get promotion & I'll get more tuna. & Treats. Right let's go off to his work I'll run there see you in a mo. 20 mins later Rosie the time traveling kitten is at Lidl Jonathan work. I've followed him there before that's how I know where it is. Hehe says the little kitten.  She gets Jonathan's list photo copies it ticks the list at least 3/4 of it so that's that. I'll count the scratch cards for the day. Empty the bins,  and I'll clean the tills and stock the shelves up near my area then all he's gotte do is serve his customers. I'll also scan a few items when he's on his break to speed up his scanning time.  The kitten gets to work and several hours go by.  She tried not to get seen by Jonathan or any other staff and is sneaky while he carries on serving the customers. Hes not a clue what's going on. 8pm arrives that's all the jobs done for the day I'll be back day after day to get it all done so he gets a promotion.  The kitten walks off and when she's out the door she sees his manager walk by. Nice clean and filled up tills today Jonathan. Well-done. Keep it up says his manager Aidan. Thanks aidan says Jonathan.  Rosie quickly remembers to switch the list of done jobs over with Jonathan's other list. And out the door back home she goes. I need another tuna after that and a milk. 5 months go by of Rosie the time traveling kitten doing Jonathan jobs for him. Jonathan's manager finally promotes supervisor then 3 months later to team leader. I like this job says Jonathan. I like it alot. Rosie whispers under her whiskers n breath n goes I bet you do I'm worn out. I need a vacation.  Rosie continues to help Jonathan every day with his work unknown to him. It's a secret. He must never know. Rosie leaves her shift at 8pm and starts at 12. As she leaves she sees Jonathan doing his shopping and hee buying more now he has a bit more cash. He even gets more tuna now for Rosie too. Good little kitty he says when he gets it and puts it in his basket. Aww says Rosie. That's what makes it all worth while. I guess I got my more tuna i always wanted. He even gets me more milk too. Best not get fat n keep working it off though. Rosie sees Aidan coming to Jonathan and quickly leaves the door he always goes n has a word before the end of his shift. Best be off anyway store. Cu soon. The end.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2022 ⏰

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