Twenty seven 💖

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Amelia sat in bed as she sat feeding Rosa as Jamie walked in and smiled as he looked to the two of them and smiled

He sat in the bed next to Amelia and smiled as he looked to Rosa "how is she?" Jamie asked as Amelia looked to him and smiled

"She's okay. She's a little fussy but she's good. Do you want to take her for a bit so I can sleep" Amelia asked as she handed Rosa to Jamie who smiled

He looked down at his daughter as she curled into him and smirked. Jamie knew how he and Amelia had already lost Evie and how it had broke them but he knew Rosa was their second chance

It was their second chance to have a family and Jamie knew all that they been through and he knew how he wanted to do what was best for his family

"You know I will do anything for you and I know it feels scary knowing how soon we lost Evie after so little time but we won't loose Rosa. I know we can do this" he said as Amelia rolled into him as he wrapped an arm around her and held her close

"We're a family Jamie we have a baby all the crap we went through has to change now" she said as he looked to her and smiled

Jamie knew what she meant. Jamie knew that she went all the hurt and cheating they had done and all the drama with gabby. It had to end

Jamie sat in the kitchen with Rosa and looked to see Ella as she walked in and smiled

"Hey where's Amelia" she asked as Jamie looked to her

"Sleeping she was up most the night so I'll let her sleep" he said as Ella nodded

"How are things? I mean you and Amelia have Rosa but a lot has happened and you know who I am talking about" Ella said as Jamie nodded

"Gabby I will sort it" he said as Ella nodded

"Good as there's Rosa and I am worried that she is so keen on getting you she will hurt her. She needs to move out Jamie" Ella said as Jamie looked to his sister and smiled

Jamie knew that Ella was right

"I know and I will sort it I promise you" he said as she looked to him and smiled

Amelia walked into the kitchen and smiled as she saw Kim with Rosa

"Where's Jamie?" She asked as Kim smiled

"Kicking gabby out isn't it great" Ella said as Amelia smiled as she took Rosa from Kim and smiled as she looked down at her daughter and smiled

"She's good. Don't worry she had her family and she is safe" Kim said as Jamie walked into the room where he saw Amelia and smiled

He walked over to her and kissed her and smiled "you good?" He asked as she smiled

"Depends is it just family in this house" she asked as he smiled

"It is and Graham but she's gone and it will be okay. You and Rosie are all I care over" he said as Amelia smiled but would everything work out?

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