Twenty six 💖

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Amelia lay in the hospital and smiled as she looked to Vanessa as she stood cradling the baby and smiled

"Are you okay? How are you feeling?" Vanessa asked as Amelia looked to her and smiled

"I'm tired. I'm annoyed that Jamie missed the birth. I mean he said he'd be there and I'm annoyed" Amelia said as Vanessa smiled as she looked from her granddaughter and smiled

"It will be okay. I know that it's annoying but Jamie will be there for you. It's what next that counts. Have you got a name for her" vanessa asked as she handed the baby to Amelia.

Amelia looked down at her and felt the tears in her eyes and looked to her and smiled

"Rosie. Rosa for short. She looks so much like Evie and it scares me. I just want to do good this time and I want for everything with me and Jamie to be okay" Amelia said as Vanessa looked to her and smiled

"I know how things have been tense and how it isn't easy but you will be okay. You and Jamie now have little Rosa to think over and the fighting and the likes of gabby and that it is not important" Vanessa said as Amelia looked to her and smiled

Amelia knew how it was a mess and she hoped that Vanessa was right and that she and Jamie Could make it work as she knew that it was a big mess after everything that had happened

Jamie walked into the hospital room and smiled. He looked to see Amelia as she lay asleep and looked to the baby who was asleep next to her

He walked over and looked to his daughter and smiled as he looked to her "where have you been" Amelia asked

Jamie looked to her as she lay in bed and smiled as he looked to her and smiled

"I'm so sorry I didn't want to miss it. I was in a call out and I couldn't get here. But I'm here and I got you some flowers. I feel awful I swore after Evie I wouldn't let this baby down. Please say you forgive me" he said as she sat up in the bed and groaned

She knew how the labour had took it out of her. "It's okay just promise me that we can do this for our Rosa and no gabby and no one else" she said as he smiled

"It's going to be okay i promise. I got you some flowers" he said as she looked to him and smiled

Jamie got home and smiled as he looked to see Ella and Kim "where have you been" Kim asked as Jamie looked to her and rolled his eyes

"I have been to the hospital. Amelia had the baby. This is Rosie, Rosa" Jamie said as he showed them a picture as Kim smiled

"Oh my granddaughter she's beautiful" Kim said as Ella smiled

"You don't need to worry Ella. Me and Amelia are sorting it and she's the only one I want" Jamie said as he looked to his sister and smiled

Jamie knew how Amelia and Rosa were the only ones he wanted but he knew gabby was harassing him but could he deal with it for the sake of his family?

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