Unrequited Love

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"Why do you come here, child?"

Lhand scratched at her eye in harsh strokes. The dryness wouldn't leave, it never did, but her hand moved by itself. She shook her shoulders at Mr. Shells in the process. The lantern he carried around whined as he got closer from behind. Once, twice, thrice... As many times as his wooden leg forced him to limp.

"I'll never get it," he was standing right beside her, but they were looking in the same direction "you are the weird one from your family. Families always have one like that."

A snort did escape her, but the waves were strong that night. And when those spoke, no other sound could hush them. They were the ones who silenced the world. She scratched at her arm, dry skin falling apart, getting stuck under her nails.

"You know, Lhand?" Mr. Shells only called her that when he pitied her. "I believe no familiar of yours has ever stepped on this beach, before.""That's correct." It was also common knowledge in town.

A large wave crashed and slithered to their feet, burning hers. She endured it, clenched jaw hiding the pain.
"With that name on you, and that dry skin... the ocean wants nothing to do with you." She stumbled when he pulled her back away from the water. "It'll punish you, over and over, for bringing yourself here. You're a silly girl."
"Is love silly?"

Mr. Shells laugh was one of an old man, but contagious. She coughed a giggle out of her dry throat.

"Love is, sometimes, one-sided." Another wave rushed forward, but Mr. Shells made sure it didn't reach them. "Go home, Lhand. Learn to love the sun, instead. It blesses you every day. It wants you and you want another, child."

The sun warmed and bronzed her skin. As long as she kept her feet off the beach and herself sheltered from rain, it did.

"You're putting your health at risk, like this" Mr. Shells, always the one to worry "and your circumstances... they won't change.""I know." She offered a last glance at the dark waters. The ones that tainted her, reaching over and over when in truth, they despised her skin. "It's a little unfair though, isn't it?"
"That you won't ever swim?""That the sun keeps me away from the ocean, but touches it every day." Turning around and walking back home hurt a little, her feet still aching madly.

Mr. Shells, as limp as he was, helped her back home. She smiled back at him.
"Thanks, Mr. Shells. You're very lucky."

"Because I'm blessed by those waters?" He barked a laugh. "They took more from me than they gave me, child.""No. It's because your love is reciprocated." With one last look back, she stepped inside the hall.

"I'll stop going there. We'll move, anyways."

Before the door closed, Mr. Shells cried out an apology. An unnecessary one. But it was comforting, how much he worried about this one-sided love of her."It's okay, Mr. Shells. I've always known it didn't love me, but I couldn't help adore it anyways. And I'll keep on doing that, from afar."

Her dreams that night, were cold and blue.

Small Magical TalesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora