A New Life.

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(i am so sorry for creating this abomination, enjoy.)

"Larry..."  Bob spoke with uncertainty.  

"Yes, darling?" Larry said with a princely tone. "What's wrong, you seem down."

"We have to talk, lar-bear." Bob looked down; his eyes bulging eyes more than they already do. "Something happened..."

"Oh, ok..." Larry tried to hide the nervousness in his voice, sitting on the couch next to Bob. "What's wrong, Bob?" Larry grunted.

"I..." Bob tucked his stem behind his tomato, making eye contact with Larry. (Which isn't hard to do because of their huge-ass eyes.)

Larry looked a Bob concerned, his eyelids lowering. "It's okay, you can tell me anything." 

"I'm pregnant."

"Wha- How!?" Larry questioned.

"I don't fucking know, Larry. I'm a fucking tomato."

"This is amazing! I'm so excited!" Larry hopped up off of the couch, picking up Bob with his nonexistent hands. "We're going to be dads!"

"Phew, I thought you wouldn't take it well..." Bob wiped fruit juice from his forehead with relief. "I am excited too, just watch the baby!"

"Yes, darling."

As the months went by, Bob got more and more pregnant. They got prepared for the baby, making a nursery. The both of them grew more and more in love. Every time they kissed; it became more passionate. 

As the days became closer to the due date, they became more excited and anxious. Until...

"Lar-bare! Larry! Larry D. Cucumber! Wake up!"

"I'm awake, I'm awake! Damn, why are you using my full name? What happened?"

"My water broke!" 

"Your water broke?" Larry tried to comprehend. "HOLY SHIT YOUR WATER BROKE!"

(bro i'm wheezing rn lmao why tf am i making this. no regrets.)

They hopped out of bed, grabbed their bags, and got in their Veggie-mobile. 

"Larry, are you ready for this baby?"

"I'm a fucking cucumber."

They rushed to the hospital so Bob could give birth to their...TWINS!? *forcible gasp* 

As each hour went by, Larry and Bob were terrified for their babies. The doctors reassured them that the babies were going to be okay, but that didn't stop them from worrying.

"That baby is crowning!" A sexy, peach, doctor shouted.

Larry looks down at Bob with love. "Push, darling." 

"Y-yes, Larry."

As Bob pushed out his offspring (BRO I'M WHEEZING RN HAHAHAHAHAH) screams could be heard throughout the hospital.  With one last push, he heaved out his children from his man-womb.

The children then arrived.

Larry and Bob, we're so relieved.

Now, it's been 4 years, and their twins are now four years old, with an infant there too. But...Larry has been more distant recently...this worries Bob. Larry has been spending more time at work and less time with his kids. 

Bob and Larry have been having more arguments too, and Bob offered marriage counseling, but Larry insisted that everything was fine. Until...

(To be continued...)

I'm sorry this is so short lmao.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2022 ⏰

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