viii. | the monster

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chapter viii

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chapter viii. | the monster
"you're not indestructible"

        CASSIE WAS SO GLAD THAT NANCY PICKED HER UP from her house earlier that afternoon. There was no way that Cassie would've been able to drive with her leg in that much pain, much less to Maple Street where the Wheelers lived. The three had snuck inside relatively easy. It was getting Cassie up the stairs that was the real challenge.

        Cassie couldn't walk, to say the least. Her arms had been around Jonathan and Nancy's shoulders, using them as her crutch to hop to the car and hop inside the Wheelers' house. After so many attempts, Cassie threw her arms off the two and sat backwards on the stairs. She climbed up with her arms, trying to keep her leg off the pressure.

        Jonathan and Nancy picked her up at the top, bringing her into the bathroom. Nancy grabbed the first aid kit from a cupboard and opened it up as Cassie leaned her back against the bath. Jonathan unwrapped the shirt as Nancy grabbed wipes to clean the wound. Luckily, the bleeding had stopped. Nancy and Jonathan looked at each other in realisation.

        "What?" groaned Cassie as she watched them stare at each other. "What's wrong?"

        "Cassie," Nancy started. "I'm going to have to take your pants off."

        "God, that's what you're worried about?" Cassie sighed, wriggling in pain.

        "Cass, I can leave if-"

        "Jesus, fuck, just take them off if you need to," she practically yelled, cutting Jonathan off. "I've got bike shorts on underneath."

        Nancy unbuttoned Cassie's pants and slid them off, Cassie groaning when they passed the wounds. Jonathan blushed slightly. They quickly cleaned the wounds before wrapping Cassie's calf up in bandages. She gasped as the pain finally died down slightly.

        "Does it still hurt?" Nancy asked as Jonathan placed a strand of stray hair behind Cassie's ear. She nodded, swallowing her own spit. Nancy jumped up and left before returning with two small pills and a glass of water. Cassie took the painkillers desperately and gulped down the water. "Do you want to shower?" Nancy asked Cassie. She nodded again. "Okay, I'll get you some pyjamas." She left again.

        Jonathan kept staring at Cassie with wide fearful eyes. He couldn't believe that she was seemingly so relaxed. She was the one that had directed him to stop the bleeding, she hardly groaned on the way home, and she had practically carried herself up the stairs.

        "You're so brave," he whispered, taking her hand.

        "Not really," she breathed out, shaking her head.

        "No, Cass, you are," he said, putting his hand on her cheek, forcing her to look up at him. "Everything you've done tonight, you've been so brave through it all." She shrugged.

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