Consequences ~ Part 1

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Different from the movie

Adam Stanheight and Oc

Oc: William Windon, Age: 19

After Lawrence left Me, The "Dead" Man in the room, suddenly got up, Me being in complete shock, did something I would regret greatly, I grabbed the gun that Lawrence had and I tried to shoot Him. But to no use it had no bullets. The Man then walked out of the room, slamming the door shut as He said. "Game Over!" I screamed but it did no use. I was all alone. After a little bit, which felt like weeks to Me, I finally heard The Door open, but I was too weak to get up or look, so I just laid there facing the bathtub. I didn't move until I felt hands on my arm and I was layed back onto My back to where I could see Man who had half His face covered by A Mask and He was wearing a hoodie. Then I could softly and faintly hear Him call My name. "Adam?" With Me being weak I couldn't answer, then everything started to sound a whole lot more clear and The Lights we're all turned on and I groaned due to the fact that I was in the dark for so long. Then I could hear His voice so much more clearer. "Adam! Adam? I've been looking for you!" He said as He finally took off His hood and His mask, to show it was one of My old friends and neighbor William Windon, I mean the last time I saw Him, He was just moving into The Apartment next door to mine. "Adam?" William softly said, as He softly lifted Me up and leaning Me up against His chest. I softly coughed, due to the fact that I haven't eaten in a long while, The only water, I had was from the toilet tank, and I was very weak, so I really couldn't move or say anything. "Oh Adam, what did they do to you?" William softly said as He got out a rag and He started to wipe My face off. "I'm gonna get you out of here. I promise." He said and He softly set Me back down on the floor and He got up and grabbed His backpack, then He pulled out some Bolt cutters and A hand held Saw, then He came back over to Me. "I'm gonna uh, I'm gonna cut through The Chains." He said, sounding a little nervous, then He grabbed My chain and started with The Bolt Cutters, but after a minute, He stopped because it didn't work. "Shit! Fuck!" He yelled and His voice started to crack, then He sat down and He sighed. "I can't get you out, Adam." He said as He sniffed and sighed. I then remembered what The Man said. "The Key is in the drain." I gasped very softly and I tried to talk, but again I am very weak, so it was more like a groan or just mumbles. "W...W..." I mostly got out, William then gasped and He got up and went over to Me. "Adam?" He softly said as He lifted Me up and held Me against His chest. "I'm Sorry." He softly said and for the first time in a long time, I felt like I was going to cry, then I found the strength to talk. "The Key...drain." I what I got out and William gasped. "The Key's in the drain?" William said and I slowly nodded. William then laid Me down again and He got up and He went to the bathtub and He started to try to get the key out of the drain. I laid there looking at the ceiling and I tried not to cry, because no one ever cared for Me as William did, He then started laughing and He came back to Me with The Key in His hand. "I got The Key! Adam! I'm gonna get you out." William said and He started to unlock My chains. Once He got My Chains off, He moved Me away from The Chains, and for the first time in forever, I felt free. "Adam. Adam." Will said as He laid Me down and He lifted Me up slightly to His chest, and He held Me. Then after a minute, Will got up and He tried picking Me up, but fail trying, We both fell back to the floor and I groaned in pain. Will then got up and He sat Me up a little. "I'm Sorry, Adam. I'm so so sorry." Will said and I looked at Him, His had pain and guilt in His eyes and I weakly put My hand on His face and He put His hand on My hand. "Come On, Adam. I'll get you out. I promise." He said and He got up, laying Me back down on The Floor, before trying to pick Me up again. This time Will actually picked Me up, with a great deal of struggling, but He did get Me up. Will then brought Me out of The Bathroom and He started to take Me outside, but before We got outside, Will got out a rag, to protect Me from the light, I guess. He laid the rag over My face and He took Me outside and He put Me in His Car and He got in and started to drive away, I fell asleep after a little while, and I only woke up, when Will picked Me up out of the car and He took Me into His House and He sat Me in a chair, so I was sitting up. "Adam? You still with Me?" He asked and I just looked at Him with a blank face. "Adam?" He said again but I stilled looked at Him, only I started to feel sick, like really sick, I then started to throw up everywhere. Will then got up and grabbed some rags for Me, and after I was done throwing up, He cleaned Me off and He grabbed His car keys and He went and picked Me up softly. "I'm gonna take you to A Hospital, Adam." He softly said and I just looked at Him, and He looked back with a sorrowful look. Will then started to drive slowly down the road to make sure he didn't hit any potholes, and hurt me further...

End For Part One, I'll make more later....Sorry

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2022 ⏰

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