Chapter 2

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After serving those guys Dina turned around to the triplets with her note pad and they quickly looked at there menus pretending they weren't staring. "Hi sorry for the wait , what can I get you?" She asked waiting for the response most guys say. But she was surprised at what they said.

"You seem rushed off your feet love , are you the only one waitressing?" Edward asked

Dina looked over at him and blushed badly "uh.. well we are short staffed at the moment so it's just me for the time being" she says as she didn't really look to happy about it.

"Where's your manager ?" Harry asked

"Harry don't get involved , leave the poor girl " Marcel says

"I-it's okay really, let me just take your orders " she says a bit quickly as she panicked a little knowing the manager was an ass and rushed her.

Marcel sat back and put his menu down "I'll just take a coffee with a veggie burger and fries please " he says behind his glasses he was as cute as ever.

"Alright and for you both?" she says

"Uh one black coffee and an ice tea for Harry and two steaks please" Edward says with charm.

Dina smiles and wrote everything down "I will get to it" she says as she walked away

"She is beautiful " Harry blurted out

"Very" Edward says

Marcel blushed "I feel bad for her though , she looks stressed." He says

"Yeah maybe we should have a word with her manager." Edward says

"What and get her fired are you stupid?" Marcel says , "watch your tone Marcel " Edward says warning him.

Marcel sighs a bit as he glanced over at the guys on the other table, they were drooling over the waitress and Marcel felt a bit of anger rising.

Harry kicked him under the table "calm down Marcel you're turning a shade of red" he says as he chuckled.
Soon Dina came over with there orders , she was a bit shaken  as she wasn't even given a break. One of the guys put his foot out by accident and she tripped over dropping the triplets food and was about to fall herself but Edward was quick to catch her. "Jesus love , are you alright!" He says very concerned as he helped her up.

Harry and Marcel got up and walked over to the guys that were laughing. Dina looked up at Edward as her tears fell, she let go of him and rushed back to her locker and cried of embarrassment and also stressed.

Edward and the boys were beyond pissed. "Think it's funny do you asshole!" He says swinging his fist in his face and the guy went flying.

Marcel ran after Dina and head out of the back and followed the sound of crying. "Hi sweetheart are you okay?" He asked as he found her curled up by the lockers. He knelt down and held her hand.

"I-I'm so sorry " she says as her tears couldn't stop falling. "Please don't be it's not your fault" he says as he slowly helped her up.

Harry was already in the managers office telling him Dina won't be coming back.

"Would you like to come back with us today?" Marcel asked

"O-oh I don't know I-" she says

"I can take you home later on if you want but let's get you something to eat and you need a proper break. "B-but what about work" she says

Edwards dealing with it honey , you don't have to worry about a thing." He says as he looks at her.

Dina looked at him as she wipes her tears "o-okay" she says soon following Marcel out.

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