16. Beating at the Church

Start from the beginning

"Did I do something to upset you?" 

"No, I simply have another assignment for you" I replied, dropping the towel and reaching for my underwear. "While we are gone, you are to train Victoria Hirai in hand-to-hand combat. She wants to learn how to shoot as well but she will fail at it. Teach her the basics on knives. She may be good at that." 

Adriana handed me a blue dress with a white bow on the front to step into. 

"How far am I to go, ma'am?" she asked. I knew she was worried about Andrea. 

Placing my earrings on, I thought for a moment.

"Make sure any scars or bruises are not visible and that she treats them quickly. Give her safety knives first." 

She placed my shoes before me and nodded. "Is that all, ma'am?" 

"Yes and don't go soft on her. Make sure she understands it only gets worse after Day One before it gets better" I replied stepping into my shoes before sitting down so she could place a little bit of make up on my face. 

Before she could reply, there was a knock at the door. 

"Enter," I called out. Haruto walked in quickly with a camera in his hands. 

"Good morning—" 

"Did she see you?" I asked stretching my hand out for the camera. 


As I looked through the pictures, I felt my anger return. She sat across from a blonde bimbo, leaning in close to her stupid fucking face. 

"Her name is Nancy McDonie. She attended the wedding with Amory. She came after Andrea and Mattia met her for breakfast. They spoke for a few moments, and when Momo headed toward the back, she followed. Twelve minutes later, she headed back into her car, where she then went to a boxing club in south end." 

Do not overreact, my mind screamed as my throat closed up. 

Standing, I placed the camera down and grabbed my sunglasses along with my purse before walking out of the room. I wasn't going to think or say anything until later. Right now, I just needed to breathe and stay calm. I would kill her, but not on a Sunday. I didn't kill anyone on Sundays, even if I really wanted to. Stepping outside the doors, I watched as everyone spoke among themselves. I wasn't sure how far away the location of Momo's breakfast was but she was back and speaking quickly to Mattia. She stopped when her eyes caught mine. 

Evelyn smiled. "You look beautiful, dear." 

"Thank you, Evelyn, as do you," I said as I walked toward Momo's Audi. Her driver held the door open, and I sat inside. 

When Momo stepped in, newly showered and dressed, she didn't bother looking at me. Instead, she focused on her phone. In my mind, all I saw were the photos, and it made me want to stuff the phone down her throat. 

"Remember to pretend as if you care about anything. There is always a chance for a photo of us to be taken." 

Fuck you. 

Nodding, I looked out the window to see the same church we had gotten married in, only a block away. I did my best not to think about my wedding. It only reminded me of my father. When she took my hand, but I flinched away, and she smiled sadly, shaking her head before tightening her grip. 

"Do what you do best and lie" she whispered as she helped me out of the car. Sure enough, there were a few photographers. You would think they would have more respect. We were going to church for God's sake. 

Sighing, I took off my sunglasses the moment we stepped inside, looking around again at the beautiful and grand cathedral that mirrored many of the ones I loved in Europe. 

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