Chapter 11: The night call

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Engfa's POV

After two hours of nonstop chit-chatting, I suggested to Char that we should sleep because I always sleep before midnight due to my early duty calls. It was odd to see that I got the chance to have a sleepover with her despite her nasty attitude towards me when I first met her.  

Although we shared almost all of our pains, past and traumas, I insisted on sleeping on the couch. But Char won't let me and dragged me to her bedroom so I could sleep next to her in her bed. I must say it's been a long time since I had someone other than Tor to sleep next to me and I am not used to it since I didn't really have female friends as my job is male-dominated.  

However, the feelings soon disappeared when I became tired and instantly fell asleep. I thought I was having a calm night sleeping next to her, but I was wrong. In the middle of the night, I felt something weigh heavily on top of me, and I groggily tried to remove it with my half-closed eyes. No matter how much effort I have to put away the things over my body, the object comes back and invades my space, making me unable to sleep in peace. 

When I woke up, I saw Char place her legs on top of me with her arms locking my body, causing me to be unable to move. From then on, I could no longer continue my sleep and was wide awake until morning. 

I was about to wake her up to instruct her to remove her legs, but she looked untroubled, as if it was she didn't have any problems at all.  

As I observed her closely, the bruises on her face and abdomen were all gone, and at one point, I wondered how much pain she was in when she got all these swellings. How does she feel at that moment? 

She must have been downgrading and blamed herself a lot, admitting that it was all her fault when clearly it was not. But I am glad that she had a harmonious day without the bad things that might happen to her. Either way, I am still worried about the future since I know that I will not be there with her all the time and hinder Win from abusing her. 

The least I could do was to support her whenever she needed it and give advice. As much as I want her to break up with Win, hopefully, she decides sooner whether to stay or walk away before it's too late. 


(A week later, after the sleepover)

When I was on night duty, I received a call from Char, but I rejected it since I was still working. Then, a second later, I got another call from Char, and from then, I knew that it was urgent and answered her straight away.

Engfa🦁: Hey Char? What's wrong?

Charlotte🐰: me...

Engfa🦁: Where are you? 

*In the background, I heard a commotion causing me to have a hard time hearing her well

Charlotte🐰: Win...he's at it again... *while sobbing*

I immediately ordered her to keep the line on until I got help to rescue her and hide from Win. Next, I briefed some of my colleagues about Char's situation, and they agreed to help me go to Char's place. 

My team and I tried our best to go there as fast as possible to prevent any unwanted harm to Char. At the same time, I kept talking to Char on the phone, but to no dismay, the line was cut when I heard static noises.

From that moment, I felt like I couldn't breathe properly as I knew Win had gotten into her.  

Author's note:

The song below best describes how Charlotte feels during that night😭Recommended💯💯

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