Enid: Um KO-

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Enid: Um KO-

K.O.: Also your belt says "N. D." What's it stand for?

Enid: KO! That's not Chip Damage.

K.O.: He's not?

Red stranger: Well at least someone realizes the difference. And it's Nega Damage to you child.

K.O.: As in chip's evil doppelgänger? Weird, how come I never heard of you. Chip didn't had an arch enemy.

Nega Damage: Neither did POINT, but it would be a waste of time if I didn't use all this power for nothing. And that's why I'm here, for you three to be my test subjects. I got some new weapons to try it out on my "favorite" people in the neutral zone. *Shows a angry smile*

Enid: Uh I appreciate the gesture, but you do realize chip's not real right? Back at the press conference-

Nega Damage: Yeah yeah I know, I watched your little press conference, ON LOOP!!!

*Ko, Rad, Enid both backed away*

Nega Damage: I just love that part, where Chip damage forces himself offline, and let some... hahahaha, noodle armed princess takeover!

(🎶That's right I heard the story over and over and *Wheeze* haha just kidding lol🎶)

*Immediately demolishes Ko's friends* (TBH they never stood a chance against a level -25)


Nega Damage: Oh how boring, your friends didn't even last a second on me. Just hope fighting you won't take too fast. Do make this entertaining for me. *Switches to a laser sword*

K.O.: will do 😡

*Interfaced battle between the two*

Ko fought real hard on Nega damage throwing punches left and right. Nega damage calculated his moves well, blocking his attacks. Ko tries to dodge his sword slicing but came with a close shave on the tip of his hair. (Talk about a haircut)

Nega Damage: Quite strong for a 5 year old, I'm impressed.

K.O.: I'm 10 to 15 years old, I won't let you hurt anyone.

Nega Damage: And yet you let your friends got hurt by me, talk about terrible timing. But just you wait, You'll never stand a chance against my army. I got plenty more time before the big event. *Evily smiles*

*Ko growls*

Nega Damage: But in the mean time, I'll let you and your friends n family enjoy your fun while you still can. Make sure you cherish as much happy memories. *Leg sweeps the kid and blasts him*

Ko can hear the faint sounds of his evil laugh before falling into unconsciousness.

~Hours passed~

OK KO: D.L.C. ( The Demon Lord Code )Where stories live. Discover now