Making a new friend

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(A/N: This is a mix of a filler and the end part of "the boy in the iceberg," so it will be short. Also, I'm giving Akiko spiritual powers and an animal companion in this chapter. Don't question me why, just go with it.)

Akiko's POV->
I ran until I couldn't see the village anymore and found myself in a forest. Dropping to my knees and covering my face with my hands, I let out a sob and started crying. "We've been frozen in that iceberg for a hundred years and left the world to suffer," she said mourning the loss of everyone she knew then. "I knew running away was a bad idea, but I couldn't have let Aang go alone," I thought while mentally beating myself up for not talking Aang out of it. My thoughts now traveling towards my parents,"What about mom and dad? Did they also get involved in the war?"

As my mind was spinning with questions, I heard a shriek in the distance from my right. Turning my head in that direction, the shrieking continued, as if it was calling for help. I stood and went in the direction the sound was coming from. Walking through the trees, I see large paw prints in the snow heading in the same direction the noise had came. The shrieking returned much louder than before, meaning I was getting closer.

Moving a tree branch out of the way, I find the source of the shrieking to be a peregrine snow leopard

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Moving a tree branch out of the way, I find the source of the shrieking to be a peregrine snow leopard. Looking down, the poor feline's leg was caught in a trap, bleeding. It looked at me with hostility, thinking I was the one to set that up, while I looked at them with sympathy. Moving closer to them, the leopard started hissing and growling at me. I started getting annoyed and glared at the animal,"If you're going to be like that then I won't help you." Turning around starting to walk away, the leopard shrieks multiple times at me. Looking back at the creature, it gave me a pleading look which made me sigh, giving in to helping it.

 Looking back at the creature, it gave me a pleading look which made me sigh, giving in to helping it

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"Ok, but if you attack me while or after I free you, then I will end you," I warned the feline. It just laid there, waiting for the painful trap to be opened. I unsheathed my sword and the leopard started to growl again. I put my hand up and try to calm them down,"Easy. I'm not gonna hurt you, just need to wedge this in there." They stopped growling but still looked at me with caution as I gently wedged my sword into the trap. Putting my foot on the bottom part, I start to push down on my sword, lifting the top part of the trap.

When it was a bit ajar, I used my left hand to pull it open wider. The peregrine snow leopard limped away from the trap and started licking its wound. I jumped away from the trap as it snapped closed again. Making my way towards the dangerous cat while sheathing my sword, I notice that it's a male peregrine snow leopard. He started getting defensive while growling at me. I bent down near him with a small smile and bended a white flame around my hand. He started hissing at me again but soon stopped, noticing something different about the flame. "He must've noticed that I'm using my spiritual healing with my fire bending," thinking to myself.

Putting my flaming hand on the leopard's wounded leg, he started purring at me, enjoying the warmth while tapping its tail on the ground. When I'm finished, I assumed the leopard would immediately run away or try to attack me. But instead, he stood up looking me in the eye and pounced on me while licking my face as a sign of gratitude. I was laughing at the felines actions,"Ok! Ok! You're welcome! Wow you have a rough tongue!" Pushing the leopard off of me, I reach into my pants pocket and found a few lychee nuts to give him. He ate them right out of the palm of my hand, "Sorry, that's all I have on me." While he was still licking my palm, I hear something that sounded like a firework shooting into the air. I'm guessing the leopard heard it too because his ears and head moved in the direction of the sound.

I stood up and ran out of the forest to see what was going on. Looking up, I saw some sort of flare shooting in to the sky and thought one thing,"Aang, what have you done now?!" Heading in the direction of the village, I noticed the leopard followed me. Stopping in front of the feline with my hand pointed back at the forest,"No, you can't follow me. You're free now, go back to your kind." The big cat just rubs its head against my shoulder while purring. I tried walking away but the leopard grabbed the end of my cloak in its mouth, looking at me with sad eyes, insinuating that it wanted to stay with me. Sighing at its cute expression, "Alright, you can stay with me. But you better not cause any trouble or I'm bringing you right back here, understand?" The feline let go of my cloak with a small shriek, as if agreeing to my terms. I started running towards the village with the leopard following closely, hoping nothing bad would come from my friends mistake.

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