CHAPTER 1 - changes

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".......A family of five was massacred three days ago, during the celebration of their son's birthday. Neighbors were left in shock as the......".
                *Turns off the television*

Dragon slowly sipped his coffee, his head pounding as he flipped through the files laying in front of him. He felt dead tired and completely frustrated.

His brain felt raw and his eyes were so heavy that he struggled to keep them open. He could feel his anxiety rearing its ugly head but he blamed it on the fact that his birthday was in less than 24hrs.

His birthday was never a good day since his mom was killed right in front of him on the day he turned five. Add that to being put in foster homes, where he was either returned or ran away himself, nothing good ever happened on that day.

Opening his cupboard he took out a bottle, took out two pills, and swallowed them with a gulp of water. His headaches always eased up whenever he took those pills.

He didn't know what would happen now he was finally out of them, he had searched for the pills everywhere but for some reason, he couldn't get them.

"Sir, Mr. Owen, and his team have arrived for the meeting," his secretary said to him distracting him from his trail of thoughts.
She was a petite light-skinned woman, who kept to herself most of the time and focused on the job.

That was the major reason she had worked with him for so long.
"I'll be with them shortly Lois," he said as he stood up, putting away the files. She nodded and left, closing the door behind her. He heaved a sigh, then he walked outside.

During the meeting, Dragon was completely absent-minded and uneasy. He kept changing his postures, trying so hard to listen but the continuous ringing in his ears wouldn't let him.

Suddenly, different pictures were playing in his head.
Flash *flash *flash, it kept coming. He couldn't make out who any of the people he was seeing were, making him groan In frustration.

"Mr. Gon" someone called, snapping him out of his reverie. He realized that everyone at the table had gone quiet and was now looking at him in confusion.

"Sorry I had something stuck in my throat, "he said with a forced smile "Please continue" he added

The rest of the meeting went by torturously slow and he breathed a sigh of relief when it finally came to an end.

He entered his car and without any hesitation, started the engine. He wanted to be home as soon as possible,  so he could take a cold shower and just sleep.

He slowly reversed into the streets and suddenly it was like the whole world slowed down and he watched his death play out. A red truck sped his way, lights flashing in his eyes obstructing him from seeing whatever was in front.


The driver tried to use his brake, but it was too late as the truck hit Gon's car with a force that sent it tumbling repeatedly.

The glasses shattered into tiny pieces, piercing his skin and causing him agonizing pain. He was thrown forward and then back due to the force as he hadn't been given the time to put his seat belts on.

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⏰ Última actualización: Oct 11, 2022 ⏰

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