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"Finals sucked!" Luffy whined, leaning back on Robin's lap so she could tussle around his hair. "Mom, I wanna go play now." His whining made Robin laugh as she shrugged at him, fingers working small braids into his locks.

"I'm not stopping you," She reminds him. He grins wide and shoots back up to his feet, running off towards the plaza of the campus.

"Come on, Usopp!" Usopp follows his command and rushes off with the overgrown child. You hung out with Nami's friends often now. It's been about four days, but every break they got they would meet up. Now that finals were finished, the semester was nearing a close. You had to plan for sophomore year and were struggling to do so with Luffy's yelling.

"Reader," Nami calls, finally gaining your attention. You hum in response. "I've been trying to get your attention for a full minute now. What's up?"

"Nothing, really," You say with a half-smile. "I have to prepare for next year so-"

"Next year?" Nami cuts. "Honey, it's still this year. Why worry so far ahead? You'll just be stressing yourself out more."

"You don't understand," You start, "My whole family is all about planning for the future. That's why I have to make sure everything is settled. My brother is supposed to visit this summer as well and knowing my parents, they're gonna ask about my plans for the next five years."

"What are they, CEOs?" Sanji jokes. You stay silent and he arches an eyebrow. "Wait, what? For real?" You nod. "For what companies?"

"One is for Opendium Motors and the other for Longate Banks," You reply. "They met through a meeting before they were CEOs and once they moved up they partnered and have been ruling the industry of both banking and automotive since before I was born."

"So are you filthy rich?" Nami immediately asks with her follow-up. "Not that I care..."

"I know how much you like money, Nami, don't worry." You laugh and shrug. "I'm not rich, but my family is. They have a lot of power, too. They have been in the game since they were in their early twenties."

"That's crazy!" Franky shouts, leaning over to show he was even more invested in your life. "So what are you even studying for? Like, is your major in business?" You shake your head immediately.

"My parents would only pay for college if it was in Business or Finance. So, I chose art." Franky stares for a moment and then tilts his head.

"Art?" He asked in disbelief.


"But why?" He whines as if it was his life he was talking about. "You could have gotten a free ride to college!"

"And a free ride to unhappiness," You retort. "I wasn't about to throw my life away because my parents offered the scapegoat. I worked my ass off to get into this school and I'm not gonna regret a single damn day."

"That's why you street boxed in high school?" You heard Zoro chime in for the first time in the entire lunch break you've sat there with them. He was taking a nap when you first joined the group to eat.

"Part of it, yeah."

"Did you make good money?" Nami questions.

"It was decent. Not worth the stitches and busted face after a while, but it got me my first car."

"You mean that beat-up pick-up you drive to school every day?" Robin mentions. "That's the first car?" You nodded.

"It's not a lot, but it got me from here to there," You admit happily. The announcement for your next class was called and you sighed, standing from your new friend group. "I gotta head to class. Thatch and Marco are out today so I got no one to walk with. You wanna come, Nami?"

Love/Hate -Zoro-Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt